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I shrug and turn my back on her to open the containment line. “Though I’d much rather call you princess.”

I turn back to face Lily and find her blushing with a hand in front of her lips.

“Let’s go?” I continue, offering her my arm as I pretend not to have noticed anything. It’s just too easy to make her blush and I can’t help myself.

She takes my hand, and we walk quickly through the crowd of mostly well-behaved teens and twenty-somethings who just take pictures and shout her name.

A few reach out with a hand to touch her. I don’t worry about them, but when we get to Ben, who ran backwards in line to keep up with us, I push Lily behind me and hold onto both of her hands.

I vaguely notice how cold her hands are.

We arrive at the terrace just a moment later, where a stage is set, and the band is rehearsing.

“Why can I only hear the drums?” I ask. The coast is clear, so I step out of her way and let her be.

“The castle’s structure doesn’t allow for a live band,” She speaks with an easy air of confidence.

“So, we’ll pretend play to the sound of playback,” She scratches the back of her head while speaking.

“Stop touching your hair. You’ll ruin it!” The director’s playful voice comes from the bullhorn and adorably startles Lily. “To the stage!”

Lily salutes the director and leaves my side for the front of the stage. The director is an older woman, dressed in flowing bohemian attire and wearing so many necklaces I don’t know how her neck can handle them all.

“I could get used to looking at you,” She tells me deadpan. “Will we have you around more often?”

I nod in reply.

“Well, maybe not me, but a colleague,” I say.

I receive a second once over from her.


She then announces again on the bullhorn, “Bring these people up here!”

The band is set on stage, the fans are being gathered around it. I place myself in the least crowded spot, but still close enough so I can spring into action in case I’m needed.

“Alright, folks!” The director barks at the audience. “There’s going to be only playback today, okay? The band is going to perform the same song a few times…”

“Which song?!” A teenage boy demands to know.

“You know which one,Honey Spiced Ale!”

The crowd hollers.

“And I want some big smiles and big enthusiasm!”

The older woman leaves the stage, and Lily walks to her microphone, doing the mimicry of a sad face when she finds it on mute.

Lily’s a delight to watch, I must confess. She radiates positive energy, and it doesn’t hurt that she’s gorgeous. With her slender figure, cascading blonde hair, and the most mesmerizing blue eyes I've ever encountered, she is stunning.

When the director callsaction,and she sings that first verse acapella, her voice is both sweet and powerful, filling the room with joy. I find myself wishing it were just me here that she was singing for.

I shake my head to clear the obtrusive thought.

When the music starts and she begins to dance, making the ruffles of her short chiffon dress move around, it almost makes me want to move too, which is odd since I never dance.

The song is a bubblegum pop rock that does a really great job of getting stuck in your head. The lyrics talk about a couple’s first kiss, and how it tasted of honey spiced ale, and how she longs to taste it again.

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