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“Alright,” I say with a bitter smirk. “I’ll call you at your lunch time.”

We bid goodbye to each other, and she hangs up first. I place my cell phone in front of me on the desk, covering the horrid scribbles I’d drawn while talking. After rubbing the bridge of my nose again, I open my tired eyes to look for Lily.

She’s on our bed, watching TV and looking bothered. I immediately stand and go after her, slowly as to not alarm her, and lay down next to her like a lazy cat stretching. I wind myself around her arm, managing to get some pets for my effort.

“Did I say anything I shouldn’t?” I ask, bracing for the worst.

“No!” she kisses my forehead, “I’m just worried. It’ll pass.”

I smile. “Did you order us room service?”

“U-hum. Been craving beef stroganoff.”

And I pause, still smiling, to then place my ear against her stomach to try and listen for signs of life.

There’s a knock on the door and I jump into position to answer it instantly. “It’s Sandra,” I say, peering through the peephole before opening the door.

She hands me the envelope, a bit dinged and dog-eared, but unopened, and I take it from her with pleasure.

“Thank you, Sandra,” I say as I slam the door in her face.

Lily goes into a laughing fit.

“Poor Sandra!” she says.

I shrug, “This does not pertain to her.”

I walk back to Lily and hand her the envelope. She just looks at it, not taking it from me.

“You open it,” she looks at me wide eyed, depositing all her hopes and fears onto me.

Feeling the weight of her request on my shoulders, I hold that thing in between my hands and decide we need a change of scenery first.

“Come with me,” I say, offering my hand to her.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Thiswasabrilliantidea,” I say, soaking in the warm suds of the bathtub, sitting in between Brody’s legs and not wishing to be anywhere else in the world.

“We both need to relax,” he says in a breathy voice, holding me by the waist.

Brody grabs an empty cup by the tub and fills it with water then gently starts wetting my hair. I lean into it, sly and happy, feeling the touch of his fingers calming me better than any medicine would.

“This is nice…” I purr, resting my back against his chest.

“You deserve nice things.” He gets a tiny flask of shampoo and opens it, pouring it on top of my head and massaging it with the tips of his fingers.

I tilt my head back and let him have at it. He explores my scalp with his hands and makes little soap bubbles. Brody gets the cup back and I help him rinse my hair, retouching the parts he missed. Enjoying the feel of the hot water I ask, “Want me to scrub your back?”

“No…” he says, now taking the washcloth and covering it in shower gel, “This is all for you.”

He guides the washcloth over my body gently, taking his time. As he does, I feel tension release from my body and start to breathe easier.

I lean back, content in the arms of this man, a man I never expected to be with, but who makes me feel complete like no other man ever has before.

Soon the doorbell rings, and I stretch and stand up, showering Brody in water droplets.
