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My alarm goes off what feels like seconds later. As I get ready, I find my mind wondering back to last night when I walked in on Elsa, the towel barely covering her naked body, and then to how nice it was to wake up with her in my arms.

I shake my head as if to clear it.

Get a grip, man!

At 9:30 AM our convoy hits the church grounds. The ladies are already there except for Kiera, who should be arriving half an hour later.

“Looking spiffy!” I hear Elsa’s voice call to me from the back and I turn around to see her, pretty in pink, ready to break some hearts.

“Now let’s get this over with!”

She wraps her arm around my arm, and we walk together down the church aisle to find out seats.

As we walk down to sit in the front row, I can’t help but feel proud as I walk there in front of everyone with Elsa. Our relatives are on both sides of the aisle — Michael’s family is so small that ours had to fill in the blanks.

As we wait for the ceremony to start, Elsa leans over to me and says, “Thank you for the opportunity, Harvey. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a wedding.”

“Yeah…” I nod. “I like weddings too.”

I have the urge to hold her hand and give into it. I let out a smile when she doesn’t resist.

Amid the chaos, mom and dad arrive, each one flanking grandma from one side.

“What’s wrong, grandma?” I let go of Elsa and lean forward to hold grandma Rose’s hand. “You don’t look so well.”

“I’m fine, I just need to take a seat!” Grandma protests, plopping on the pew on my other side. “My big strong grandson will protect me.”

If there’s one thing grandmas are experts at, it is to make you feel loved, and my grandma is no different. I hold her by the shoulders and tilt my head sideways to talk into her ear.

“I will always protect you, grandma!” I gently kiss the top of her head with care so I don’t ruin her hair.

“I know, boy. I know.” She taps my hand, full of affection, then looks over me to see Elsa. “And you, girl. Did Harvey let you sleep?”

“Grandma!” I say, and Elsa laughs out loud, echoing through the church walls.

“He was a good boy, grandma,” Elsa informs her, to which Grandma Rose just shakes her head in disapproval.

Dad goes back outside, and just a few moments later, the music starts. The procession begins with the flower girl, a cute little blonde girl from Michael’s family, no older than five, and then it’s Michael and his mother, followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen. After them, comes my niece, Anna, bearing the rings, and finally, the bride.

The music changes, becoming deeper, more serious, and dramatic, all to welcome Kiera to the place where her life will become one with Michael’s.

And Kiera looks gorgeous as a bride. The dress is form-fitting, and since she’s muscular, everything looks enhanced. It’s all embroidered with stone and pearls as well.

The ceremony goes well, except for grandma, who keeps on fanning herself.

“Wanna go outside and get some fresh air, grandma?” I ask, moving my arm from her shoulders so she can breathe a little better.

“I’m fine, boy.” She caresses my hand. “Now let’s watch Kiera get married!”

Elsa watches my interactions with grandma with a sweet smile on her lips. I squeeze her tight, just to tease, and she shakes her head and lets out a small giggle.

The bride and groom walk down the aisle together, now as husband and wife, and everybody stands to clap on their way out, except for grandma, who has a hand on her chest and is breathing with difficulty.

I pull mom aside and loud whisper in her ear, “I’m taking grandma to the hospital.”

Now she places a hand on her chest. She looks at grandma and talks to her; once again, Grandma says she’s fine, but it’s hard to believe a single word the woman says.

“I have her blood pressure gauge in the car. Let’s go get it,” mom says, already helping grandma to walk down the aisle between the pews.
