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I feel weird now, and all I want is to escape as quickly as I can.

“I’ll hop in the shower first, okay?” I say, not meeting his gaze.

I don’t wait for a response and just grab my clothes and head upstairs.

Chapter Fourteen


Shehadto make it weird.

That went from being incredible to being awkward in an instant.

Our afterglow was very short, almost non-existent; she showered alone and slept in my bed alone.

If she had given me just a little more, I would be happy.

Or would I still be wanting more?

One way or the other, there are more important things to worry about right now.

I can’t sleep, so I leave the room and head downstairs. The living room is now full of people camped out and fully asleep, so there’s no way of hanging out there, so I go to the kitchen for a beer and maybe a snack.

When I get there, I find dad sitting alone on the other side of the glass doors, chilling on the pool deck with a bottle of beer and a bag of chips.

I grab a beer of my own and walk towards him. He taps the chair beside him, welcoming me without words.

“Can’t sleep?” he asks as I crack my bottle open.

The satisfying buzz of the carbonation reaches my ears, and I take a gulp before replying, “Sleep won’t touch me with a ten-foot pole.”

“Problems with the missus?” Dad asks, a hand capping my shoulder.

I sigh. There is no ‘missus,’ just a confusing mess of feelings surrounding a session of great sex. But I need to say something soon, and the best I can muster is, “We might break up.”

Dad leans back, eyes wide with surprise. “But she seems so dedicated to you,” he says, disappointed.

‘She’s only dedicated to me because I’m paying her’ is what Iwantto say, but instead, I say a big fat lie.

“She doesn’t wanna get married. We talked about it and…” I scratch the back of my head, uncomfortable.

“She keeps on stalling?”


From the corner of my eye, I see dad shake his head, take a sip of beer, and rub my shoulder, trying to give me reassurance.

“If she’s not ready for commitment, you can’t force her, son. If she said yes to your proposal in the first place, I would give her some time, butif you feel that’s betraying your expectations of her, break up. Everyone these days is just one phone call away!”

I look at dad and give him a smile full of sorrow. He’s all worried about something that doesn’t even exist; good ol’ George Baker, always ready to jump to the aid of anyone in need, with some good advice and a friendly shoulder to lean on.

“Thank you, dad,” I say, downing half of my beer bottle.

“I’m going, came home just for a shower and to change clothes,” dad says, standing up. “I need to convince your mother to do the same.”

“It’s her mom. I would be in the same state if it were her in the hospital.”

“Try to get some sleep, boy,” he pats my shoulder as he walks away. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

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