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I wish it were that simple.

I can see it as Parker types. And types. I am expecting a giant message but all that finally comes is:

You are crazy! Harvey doesn’t need that money, Elsa! But you do!

Suppressing a laugh, I text him back.

Are you suggesting I give the money back?I send it with a smiling emoji.

Elsa! No! Please!he texts back, desperate.

Thank you for the great idea, Parker!I send the last text to him as I laugh to myself and put my phone away.

“You weren’t listening to a single word I said, were you?” mom asks, indignant.

“No mom, sorry…” I apologize, still laughing. I pour myself a glass of water and say, “I was just talking to Parker about Harvey.”

“Oh, Harvey!” She puts her hands in front of her chest and comes to sit next to me. “He’s such a nice boy! No, not boy… That’s a man!”

She takes a deep breath to emphasize her point. Indeed, Harvey is much older than I am, likely in his late thirties, not that it slows him down in the least.

“Are you seeing him again?” mom continues, approaching me one inch closer.

My heart crumbles in response to her question, and all I want to do is lay down and cry. I started to get feelings for him, and I feel like an idiot.

I mumble something about needing to rest and head back downstairs to be alone.

Chapter Sixteen


GrandmaRosepassedawaythree days after Elsa left. She didn’t wake up to say goodbye, and simply went away in her sleep.

I wanted to talk to Elsa about it, but she hasn’t reached out to me since we parted ways, and I’ve been kept busy trying to make sure my family is alright.

It’s raining cats and dogs, and the family is all here at the cemetery, waiting for the priest to finish the last rites so we can go somewhere warm to reminisce about her the way she would want us to.

The casket is lowered; grandma’s firstborn throws in the first shovel of dirt, and we all toss in little handfuls as we walk by on our way out.

Now the place that gave way to a post-wedding reception will give way to a wake.

I sincerely don’t feel like taking part in it. I want to go wallow alone by myself for a bit. The guilt from me not seeing my grandma for years is feeling overwhelming. But I stay because I know my family needs me.

We arrive at my parents’ home, all in our separate cars. Kiera and Michael, who postponed their honeymoon trip to stay with us, run to the door first along with mom and dad. Once dad opens the front door and clears the way for the visitors, everybody goes inside.

I find mom busy with uncovering dishes of food on the dining room table. She’s in distress and I give her a hug from behind, and she crumples into tears.

“She wouldn’t want to see you like this, mom,” I say gently.

“I know, Harvey,” she says with a sniffle. “But she’s not here to cuss me for it, is she?”

Mom giggles, and I smile too.

“She would want life to go on,” I pat her on the arm. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll get a new grandbaby when Kiera comes back from her honeymoon!”

“Aw!” Mom puts her hands over her heart. “That’s all I want, son!”

“Need some help?” I take an interest in what she’s doing, even removing the foil wrapper of a casserole.
