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“Your brother was the one treating you like an object. Hell, since the beginning! He only agreed to introduce us if he got paid.”

“So, he sold me…” She makes an offended grimace and bobs her head up and down.

“Precisely!” I gesticulate broadly in front of her face, trying to make her see I was not the wrong one in all of this.

“And why all of that stupid talk about what I think you should do? Why would you pit me against my brother like that?”

I cover my mouth with both of my hands and say in a muffled voice, “I was just trying to protect you, Elsa.”

Still offended, she laughs, and while laughing looks at me from the corner of her eye in a manner that puts a healthy fear of the almighty in me.

“I don’tneedyour protection, Harvey,” and she vanishes into the crowd, and I am left hating myself and cursing the air around me.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Severaldayslater,Iam still fuming. Why men feel the need to be chivalrous in the most inappropriate moments is beyond me, but both ParkerandHarvey surpassed the limit.

I’ve been seriously considering being in a relationship with Harvey, but him and Parker being so pig-headed really made me angry and even more confused as to what I should do.

Checking my phone, I see that I have some texts. I know they aren’t from Harvey because after what happened at the game, I blocked his number just so I could cool off a bit before hearing from him.

The texts are from Parker. He is pure apologies as I read his texts.

Elsa, I’m sorry!

But Harvey is a brute and doesn’t deserve you!

I’m frowning so hard I’ll end up with wrinkles by thirty. My stomach aches out of hunger, as I couldn’t fathom having dinner yesterday, and my hands are itching to cuss Parker to the moon and back, and my foot looks like a fan moving in the most obvious nervous tick.

I prepare to send back a reply and delete and rewrite it several times, until finally getting to something satisfactory.

Parker, the person who needs to decide if I should be with Harvey or not is ME.

You have nothing to do with it.

He views the messages but does not reply right away, so I decide to get dressed and climb upstairs to check if there’s still breakfast on the table.

I called the therapist recommendations that Harvey gave me, but so far, they either said they were fully booked, or I haven’t heard back from them yet. So, I decide to take my computer upstairs to look into other therapy options.

There’s just one problem, though: there’s a male voice accompanying mom in the kitchen, and dad is in the garage, so I know it’s not him.

I stand behind the door for a moment and try to recognize whose voice it is. My heart skips a beat when I realize who it is.

“Harvey!” I say as I open the door.

And there he is, a stupid smile on his face and arms wide open to receive me in the land of the living. “I thought you were never waking up!”

“Elsa, Harvey didn’t want to wake you up so has been talking to me while waiting for you,” mom says, excited.

“What are you doing here?” I’m taken by surprise.

My icy heart melts a little when I see him.

His smile drops and he says, “I didn’t like how we left things and wanted to apologize.”

Mom stands, takes a plate of scrambled eggs from the kitchen, and places it in front of me.
