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“Harvey?” she calls to me, and I don’t answer. “Harvey?!”

Startled, I almost spill the last drops of my coffee when I realize she is finally here.

“What took you so long?!” I complain, and she frowns at my irritated tone.

“I just didn’t know what to wear,” she says sweetly as she sits in front of me.

I stare at what she’s wearing. It’s a pair of black leggings with a dark brown sweater that matches her knee-high boots and a denim jacket.

It really brings out her brown eyes.

“And it took you one hour to decide on that?” I soften my tone, but I can tell she still doesn’t like it.

“Thanks for the compliment. And well, there was traffic too,” Elsa shrugs, getting defensive and tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

I sigh. “Alright, well it’s all good. And you do look great, but I’m sure you get told that all the time. Anyway, if you are here, does that mean what I think it means?”

“I just thought it would be nicer to let you down in person instead of standing you up.” She says it deadpan and I’m about to lose my temper when she grins and lets out a giggle.

“Fine, I’ll do it, but on one condition.” She looks at me with a smile, but her eyes are dead serious.

My eyes are about to pop out of my head with her quick mood change, but I just snort and say, “You had me there for a second. Okay, what’s this condition of yours?”

“You said your sister’s wedding is in a few weeks, right?”

I nod, trying to figure out where the hell she’s going with this.

“Well, my condition is that we meet a few times before then to get to know each other and make this believable. I’m not walking in as your fake fiancé without being prepared.”

I frown. This sounds like a lot more work than I was planning on.

She taps her fingers on the table, and I can feel her eyes boring into mine.

My mind starts racing with what my options are, but I don’t have many. I told my family and granny that I had started dating someone about three years ago. That’s when granny had dropped the ball that she’d write me out of the will if I didn’t start taking my life seriously.

Since she lives in California and doesn’t travel much, I have been able to avoid her. But once my sister got engaged a year ago, my granny upped the ante on me and my plans.

So coincidently I got engaged three months ago to my supposed girlfriend of three years. And even though granny rarely travels, the only things shedoestravel for are her grandkids’ weddings.

So now I have no choice but to make this work with Elsa.

“Earth to Harvey?”

I look up at her and sigh, accepting her terms. “Fine. You really want to earn this money, huh? We’ll do it your way then. You are the expert anyway in acting, right?”

She just grins playfully. “That I am.”

She leans back, looking more relaxed now. She continues, “So, tell me what I should expect,honey.”

I snort. I guess she really has been thinking this over for the past three days.

“Don’t you wanna order something, first?” I ask.

“Oh, good idea!”

I signal Tessa to come over. She seems less enthusiastic to approach the table now that I have company, but she still puts on a smile as she comes with her paper and pen.

Elsa orders an iced mocha with tons of whipped cream. Meanwhile, I bring my hands under my chin and stare at her, mentally trying to prepare myself to act like I’m engaged to this woman in front of my entire family.
