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“We are your biggest fans,” mom says.

A notification for a second call comes in, and I have to interrupt them. “Mom, dad, I have another incoming call. Talk to you later!”

“Alright, darling!” mom bids her goodbyes.

The next call is from Tchekov, and we celebrate. We both know that if we end up playing against the Los Angeles Vipers, we have a really good chance of winning.

All the while, Parker remains there, silent and resigned, and waits patiently for me to finish until finally saying, “I better get going…”

“No. You stay there!” I wave a finger at him. “Let me just grab my computer and we’ll make sure you get the help you need man!”

I head upstairs in a hurry, my phone in my hand and my mind on finding a gambling addiction group for Parker.

My laptop is on the floor, almost under the bed, and I take it from there before sitting on the bed. I’m looking at my phone and thinking about Elsa, so I give her a call. I know she had another therapy appointment earlier, but she should be out now.

“Hey, Harvey!” She says brightly and I smile back.

“I just wanted to see how you were and how your therapy session went today?”

As she tells me about it, my heart warms at how excited she is about the progress she is making.

“That’s awesome, babe. I’m so proud of you.”

She hesitates then asks, “When will we tell your parents the truth about us?”

I bite my lip and reply, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should wait to tell them until after the Stanley Cup. Guess what? We know who we are playing now! We’ll be against this team from California that I’m pretty sure we can beat. Are you going to come to our games?”

I hear her hesitate and frown, “Don’t tell me you are getting cold feet? I know hockey isn’t your thing, but you said you’d go!”

She is quick to reassure me. “Of course, I’m going! I was just wondering if we should tell your parents sooner, but I understand if you don’t want to take away any focus from the Stanley Cup.”

I nod, “Yes, I want to make sure I give it my full attention when we explain everything to my parents, and I can do so better after the Cup.”

“Harvey?” Parker yells from downstairs. “I’m leaving!”

“No, Parker! Wait there!” I yell firmly. “I have to go, Elsa. Have a good rest of the day sweetheart.”

“Goodbye, you too,” she says softly then hangs up.

I head to the staircase right on as to not keep Parker waiting any longer. Getting there, he encircles me, sitting by my side on the couch as I open the laptop and unlock it.

“What are you doing?” he asks me, interested in what I’m typing.

“Here…” I hand him the computer. “It’s a list of gambling support groups you can join.”

He takes the computer and looks at me, upset. “I’d prefer you loan me the money…”

“And you just spend it on gambling again?” I slap the back of his head. “Come on, pick one, and let’s go there.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’vebeenworkingonthe breathing and relaxation exercises Dr. Hallebrand has taught me. I’ve also been practicing monologues in front of a mirror and recording myself.

I still feel nauseous and lightheaded and have been throwing up a lot lately, but I think it’s just because I’m finally starting to face my fears head-on.

There’s a community theater near where my parents live that I want to try and be a part of just to get my feet wet and practice getting over my fears. I want to be ready to ultimately audition for film and television roles again, but this time, without the panic attacks.
