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At the moment, I’m with Becca, and we just walked over to get to a cotton candy vendor on the other side of the street. She got a pink one and I got a blue one.

Becca has a nursing degree and is a nurse in a plastic surgeon clinic in one of the most prestigious addresses in Boston.

And even though I’m the same age and am still figuring out my life, I’m not so hard on myself. Dr. Hallebrand’s sessions are already helping me see things differently.

“So, what’s it like dating an NHL star?” Becca says, stealing a clump of my cotton candy.

“Hey!” I steal a clump of hers, “You have your own!”

“Ha!” she tilts her head back. “Anyway, I pretty much know the answer by the glow you have about you.”

I shrug. “I like him a lot, but there’s just a lot to figure out.”

My voice sounds more like a lament than I’d like to, and Becca feels my pain, bringing a hand to rub my back.

“What happened?” she wants to know.

Deciding I don’t want to get into the fake fiancé situation, I just shrug and say, “Oh you know, he travels so much, and I am trying to pursue an acting career. Just a lot of unknowns.”

She gives me a side hug. “I know you want to be an actress, but you can have that and love too. Don’t give up on either one.”

I smile and steal some of her cotton candy.

“Are you excited his team will be playing for the Stanley Cup?” she asks.

I nod, my heart warming that she’s taken such an interest since she’s not really a hockey fan either.

“Yes, the first game is in a few days, and we fly out to California tomorrow! After the first two games, the next two will be back here so I’ll be back in Boston soon. I guess whoever wins four games first will win the Cup.”

I stop, feeling impressed with myself at how much I’ve learned in such a short time.

“Anyway, it will be fun to see Harvey in action! My brother will be there too because he got invited to help host the Stanley Cup. He’s so stressed out! I want to make fun of him but I’m trying to be nice.”

Becca laughs. “I don’t have any siblings, so the sibling rivalry thing is hard for me to relate to, but I always wanted an older brother.”

“You can have mine!” I joke, but the truth is I’m glad Parker will be there too.

My mom is beyond thrilled that I’m going to support Harvey and my dad doesn’t say mean things about him, so I think he is taking a liking to him, or at least doesn’t mind him.

I book a ride and then hug Becca. “Thank you for dinner earlier! I’m going to head home!”

She hugs me back, “Of course! I owed you one for the spa day. I’m glad you reached back out when you came back home. I’m glad things are going well for you and best of luck with your new boyfriend!”

On the drive back home, I smile to myself as I realize that by going on this trip with Harvey, even with him playing multiple games, I’ll still get to see him more than I’ve been able to lately.

I can’t wait.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I’mheadingtoCaliforniatoday and already feeling completely spent.

Nursing a mean hangover from a celebratory party last night and having to put up with Parker freaking out about the biggest opportunity of his life is not doing me any favors.

But to add to it all is the excitement I have that Elsa is coming and supporting me.

My stomach flutters with thousands of butterflies inside, proving to me that even brutes can love.
