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I mean, she’s definitely my type. Blonde, tan, chocolate brown eyes, slender, witty… Should be easy, right?

“So, you don’t know anything about hockey?” I ask.

“I know it’s played on ice,” she shrugs.

I wince. “Actually, there are different types of hockey, and not all of them are played on ice. In fact, growing up I got into street hockey and loved it. That was my intro into hockey and led me to ice hockey through joining a youth hockey league.”

I stop talking and frown. I don’t usually talk about myself this much on arealdate, let alone a fake one.

I clear my throat and continue, “But that doesn’t matter. Let’s just—”

She stops me. “Itdoesmatter. I need to know things about you, Harvey. So how did you go from a youth hockey league to being in the NHL?”

She leans down and starts searching around in her purse then pulls out a notepad and a pen.

I just stare at her incredulously. “Look, I didn’t know I was going to be interviewed—”

“What did you expect?” She interrupts again and I grit my teeth. “You thought I’d just show up at your side as your fiancé and it would be that easy? I can’t believe I’m the only one taking this seriously. I mean, it’syourfamily! I don’tknowyou and to make this believable—”

This time I interrupt her with my hands raised in surrender.

“Fine, fine.”

I start to talk to her about my journey into the NHL. And once I start, I can’t stop.

I tell her about how scouts noticed me from high school games and how I got drafted into a junior league. Then I caught the attention of NHL scouts after leading my team to victory in several tournaments and championships.

“My life has revolved around hockey since as early as I can remember. It was like dominoes. Once I was introduced to it as a kid, that was the one tap and then everything came crashing down and led me to where I am now.”

I look at her with a stupid grin on my face. She is taking notes and nodding, looking at me with interest.

I clear my throat. “Anyway, like I said. It doesn’t really matter. We met each other after a game, okay?”

“Oh!” Now she seems taken aback. “So, I’m supposed to be a fan?”

“You could say that.” I nod.

Elsa looks antsy and anxious. She is frowning and rubbing her temples with closed eyes.

I worry that she’ll get cold feet about it all and give up, but hopefully, the money will keep her here.

“Is your family all hockey freaks?” She looks at me with wide eyes and I laugh at her facial expression. She looks very cute while doing it.

“I don’t know about freaks, but yes, they like hockey. It’s mostly because of me though. Why?”

“If they’re fans, I can’t have met you at a game. They will see right through me.”

She continues, waving her index in front of me. “We met in a coffee shop like this one.”

“No,” I say and shake my head firmly. “That’s the story they already know, and that’s the one we’re sticking with.”

“But I don’t know the first thing about hockey!” She groans and places her hands on her head. “Why did you have to come up with a fake fiancé anyway?”

“According to my family, everything is solved by settling down,” I say, not enjoying being reminded of their influence in all this. “I’ve had to, so they’d stay off my back, but it’s mainly because of my grandmother.”

“Yeah, yeah, I remember. Your precious vintage car.”

She places a hand under her chin as she considers my words. “So, you value your freedom too much to compromise, then? You’d rather lie and say you are a taken man to appease your family, but in reality, you’re a player?”
