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“Yeah, my brother said Harvey is a center…” I say, unsure, deciding to devote a bit of my attention to the menu, since my stomach is grumbling.

“And thinks he’s the last cookie in the jar for it!” Mary laughs. I start to realize that I don’t fully think she’s being catty; it’s just her exuberant and loud personality.

“Oh, come on. Centers work hard to be where they are!” Lucy comes in Harvey’s defense. “Do you know yet if he’s going to be a starter player?”

I blink. “What’s a starter player?”

Lucy and Mary begin to laugh, and I hide my face in the menu, unsure if I should be ashamed or laughing along with them.

“It’s the players who start the game,” Lucy explains.

“I don’t know the first thing about hockey…” I shake my head, and then signal the waiter, having decided on my order. “Spaghetti carbonara with your biggest glass of cherry coke, please.”

The waiter, a very young man with an already majestic mustache, takes note of my order and leaves, prompt and spry.

“You’ll end up learning with time,” Mary pats my hand, now sounding very sincere.

“Yeah, it’s all they talk about during the season,” Lucy says, sipping a green smoothie that looks so refreshing I wish I had ordered that instead of my coke. Goodness, I’m already eating for two. Everything looks good.

“So that’s what it’s like to be married to a hockey player?” I ask. “Hockey talks and lots of longing?”

Both Lucy and Mary place their hands under their chins and nod, “Pretty much!”

“Oh, it’s not just that!” a redhead in front of me says, a huge diamond rock in her finger. “They’re fierce guys, full of testosterone, but also very loving and protective!”

The words from the redhead make me warm up inside because Harvey comes across as very protective. I nod my head and smile.

“What’s your name?” I ask, offering my hand to shake.

“Bree! And you’re Elsa!” she says, energetic.

“You just got engaged, didn’t you?” I ask, curious. I remember Harvey saying one of his teammates just got engaged to a redhead.

“To Pinchon!” Mary says with a smile.

“Congratulations!” I say. My food arrives and I attack it, famished. “We’ll be seeing each other around, then!”

Bree looks unsure. “Isn’t Harvey retiring after this season?”

“What?” I don’t remember if we talked about it or not but doesn’t seem like something he’d be very enthusiastic about. I do remember the neighbor of Harvey’s parents saying something similar now though.

“It’s been the rumor floating around lately,” Lucy says. “Joe said Harvey was the last one to know!”

“This is weird,” I say. “Harvey doesn’t seem willing to do that at all!”

“Well,” Mary speaks over her steamed vegetables and fish. “Maybe he should. I mean, let’s face it. He’s getting old! Still a great player, don’t get me wrong, but he should quit while he’s on top!”

“Don’t mind Mary. She speaks faster than her brain can think!” Lucy says, much to Mary’s chagrin.

“So, what are you girl’s doing after this?” Bree asks, pointing at us.

I get excited all of a sudden, because now I’ve been included in the plans, and maybe will be able to make some actual friendships.

“Oh, I don’t have any plans!” Mary says, pushing her plate forward, done with it.

“Me neither!” I say, finishing my pasta.

“I’ll go back to the hotel room and put this one to sleep, but you girls have fun! Especially you, Mary! Have fun while you can!” Lucy says.
