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“Yeah, I barely even talk to him anymore. I wonder if the mafia is after him again,” I say, not meaning to speak my thoughts out loud.

But she looksextremelyconcerned about it, approaching my face as if to inspect if I am in one piece.

“Harvey… What are you talking about?” she asks, gently demanding.

“It’s too long and complicated of a story to tell,” I dismiss the subject with a wave of my hand. “Listen, I have to go, but if you wanna see me tonight, I’m in room 401.”

I wink, take her by the chin and kiss her one last time. As I do, I almost fall forgetting I’m no longer on ice — I’m over carpet and with skate guards.

I enter the locker room and focus on getting rid of my gear and ready for lunch.

We have our lunches at the stadium, rest a little drabbed all around like lazy cats, and soon we return to the ice rink.

Nothing is out of the ordinary: that is until I notice a big guy sitting behind Elsa.

I know that guy.

If,and I sayifthis guy is who I think he is, then he’s with the mafia and I put him in jail five years ago.

Is my mind just playing tricks on me? Am I getting paranoid?

In a brief pause over the ice, I signal to Elsa to move away from that guy. She takes a moment to understand what I’m trying to tell her, but she does move away.

I get sucked back into the practice, and when I look up again, he’s gone.

When I finally get the chance, I go talk to Elsa, completely ignoring skate guards or any safety measures.

“That guy sitting behind you earlier? Where did he go?” I shoot it straight and quickly like a machine gun.

“Huh,” her big brown eyes widen, and her hands go as if by instinct to cover her belly. “What guy?”

“Tall guy, overweight, blond hair, black jacket?” I shoot it like a freestyle rapper.

“I don’t know, Harvey! Who is he? What’s going on?” she looks me desperately in the eye.

“Ugh…” I grit my teeth. “Never mind, babe. I’m probably just being paranoid. But pay attention during the next game.”

“Okay… I will,” she says. “Where are you going from here?”

She’s there, all insinuating, and I don’t have the mind to pay attention to her.

“I’m sorry, babe,” I take her hand and kiss it. “We have a bunch of bullshit bonding exercises and I have to be there. But you remember my room?”

“Four-o-one…” she says, her index twirling around my jersey.

“After 10 PM,” I kiss her goodbye and then leave.

I put on the damn guards and go back into the locker room to change and wait for what the night has in store, all the while worrying about what that guy is doing here.

I’m still not sure if it’s him, but I’m going to find out.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Iknockonhisdoor, antsy. Getting here was already an exercise in battling anxiety, now waiting only adds to the pile that my nerves are right now.

“Hi!” Harvey finally opens the door and welcomes me inside, holding me with my feet dangling off the ground and my mouth stuck on his.
