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I smile and nod. After securing his luggage and my small bag in the flattened-out seat space behind us, we both get in.

He leans over and kisses me. “Why don’t we go to my place and unpack, and you stay over tonight?”

I agree and we head on over. I feel less afraid once we are back at his place.

Once there, he opens the freezer and brings out two ice cream tubs. “Do you want mint chocolate chip or cookie dough?”

I point to the cookie dough, and he begins spooning it out into a bowl.

“Your wish is my command, missus!” he says.

I giggle. “Don’t call me ‘missus’ in public or else people will end up thinking we’re married!”

I push him jokingly in the chest, but Harvey apparently takes offense to what I said.

“And what’s the problem with that?” he says. “We are getting married, aren’t we?”

I feel a cold sweat start. “Harvey… Having a baby together doesn’t require a signed contract!”

He frowns, upset.

“Elsa, this is about the right thing to do!” he says, arms crossed, angry. “My father always told me, if I put a baby in a girl, I should marry her!”

I’m taken aback by a sudden fit of giggles that just won’t go away, only to see him turn red, then purple — God, soon this man’s head will explode, and I will be the one to blame.

“Harvey, but you don’t have to!” I’m still laughing in an appropriate fit, both hands over my mouth. “You didn’t even propose to me, I mean… Oh, you were planning to, right?”

He nods positively, still not looking at me. “Once the Stanley Cup ended. Preferably with us victorious,” he says, sounding inconsolable.

I have in front of me a man being sincere with his feelings, so sincere it makes me want to cry.

I hug him. He doesn’t respond at first, but as I rub his back and lay my head against his chest, he lets his arms go and hugs me back.

“So,” he starts. “Wanna go buy a ring for you right here, right now?” he tries, making me laugh again.

“No silly!” I tug at his shirt. “I want a surprise.”

I see him rolling his eyes and I laugh again. “You kind of ruined it, actually!” he says with a wry smile.

I kiss him on the lips, perking his interest. “You know, I’m hungry… Can I have that bowl of ice cream now?”

He laughs and kisses me, then finishes spooning it out and slides the bowl over.

Chapter Thirty-Six


It’sourthirdgameagainst the California Vipers.

I score a goal in the very last second of the match, bringing it all out of a tie and making the audience roar with fervor.

I hear my name being shouted, and suddenly I feel like doing a silly victory dance. The moment calls for it, but I don’t have the guts.

Instead, I’m slapped on the back of the head by my teammates, hearing praises and compliments all the way into the locker room. Coach pops a bottle of champagne. I have a sip. A sip and a towel to pat myself dry and escape the full-on whirlwind this has become.

The first thing I do when I’m out of the locker room is to call the police and check in, but they still don’t have any leads or updates on Stephen. He’s vanished apparently and with the increase in police officers at the games, I’m feeling less afraid.

I mean, what are they going to do to me? Everyone is searched before entering the stadium and there are bodyguards and undercover police officers everywhere.

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