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I’m now convinced this kid, who acted all nervous and unarming earlier, is now in face threatening me.

I frown, cross my arms, and then I take a few steps closer to him.

“Out,” I point my arm toward the elevator, unwilling to hear any ifs or buts.

“I’m just asking my questions, Harvey,” Donovan refuses to move.

“Forget what I said about my name. It’s Mr. Baker to you, alright? Now you go find your way out. These questions are far too aggressive for my tastes!”

I grab the kid by the back of his collar, push the button for the lobby, about to throw him in. But when the elevator doors open, Elsa is there, getting off on my floor.

“Harvey, what’s happening?” she asks with disbelief as she steps out, nervous laughter in her voice.

“Just getting rid of the garbage, babe!” I say, tossing Donovan into the elevator without giving him any chance to speak. He reaches down and grabs his phone and backpack before the elevator closes in on him.

“Who was that guy?” Elsa asks, taking my hand and walking down the hall to my room with me. I nod at the security guard now posted outside my door.

“Freaking journalist!” I explode once inside. I start to take off my clothes for a well-deserved shower.

“I was tired of hearing all of them ask me when I’m retiring and thought this one fool could clear things up!”

“That guy really pissed you off, huh?” she asks me as I kick off my shoes and wrestle to take out my pants.

“I think he was with the mob, Elsa,” I say with pure concern as I quickly strip down and get rid of my boxer shorts.

Instead of taking on my concerns, Elsa surprises me by laughing, her brown eyes amused.

“What?” I ask.

“I just love how comfortable you are in front of me,” she says, taking in the view.

“Elsa, what I said isserious,” I say. “What if they sent another person to remind me of their message?”

“I know what to do,” she says, taking control of the situation. “Let’s call the police and let them know! You got his name, right?”

She grabs her phone from her purse and shows the screen to me and is about to call the police.

“No, wait,” I say, moving a hand toward her. “I can’t prove that guy did anything wrong. I just got a weird feeling is all.”

“But you’re suspicious of him?” she asks, her finger hovering over the call button on her phone screen.

“Yes,” I bob my head around.

“Then let’s call them,” she decides, calling the police and bringing the phone to her ear.

“It’s ringing.” She hands the phone to me.

I am directed to the officer in charge of my case and give them the reporter’s name and tell them that I got the feeling he was being threatening with his questions. He thanked me and told me they would look into it.

I head to the shower and tell Elsa to order whatever she wants from room service.

After talking to the police and taking a shower, I feel my mind become clearer.

I get out with a towel wrapped around my waist and the ‘missus’ orders me right after, “Get dressed. Forget room service. We’re going out!”

My mind goes back to when she laughed in my face at the idea of getting married, but also, she didn’t disregard the idea completely. I am going to propose to her soon, but I’m going to need a ring first.

I gave her a fake one for Kiera’s wedding, but now a real one is required.

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