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“Parker,” I shake him. He’s fast asleep on his chair. “Parker!”

He startles and comically jumps in place until finally laying eyes on me. “What?” he says in a yawn.

“Go buy me a cheeseburger!” I shove some money against his chest.

He holds onto my hand but refuses to take the money. “Do you really need a cheeseburger at—” he looks at his watch. “1:30 AM?”

“I’mstarving,Parker! That means your nephew or niece is starving too!” I push the money on him again.

“Alright, alright, but that was a low blow!” he says, refusing the money again, then patting the pocket carrying his wallet. “Playing the baby card shouldn’t be allowed!”

“Well, get used to it!” I stick my tongue out at him.

Parker leaves, and I’m alone in the waiting room.

My brother takes his sweet time finding me food, but when he comes back with a bag from a local fast-food chain, I don’t even have the time to complain over the late delivery — I just fall mouth first into its contents.

“You’re welcome!” Parker says with sarcasm. I tell him thank you with my mouth full.

“Good cheeseburger!” I say after a while, pushing down the burger and fries with ice-cold soda. “I’m sure I’ll be craving this again soon.”

“Keep the bag to remember the name, then,” Parker says.

I’m almost at the end of my meal when Doctor Jacobs comes up, reviewing his clipboard.

“Miss Thompson!” He seems cheery. That’s always a good sign.

“Mr. Baker is in good health. He’s not awake yet — we gave him heavy painkillers — but if you’d wish to be with him for a few minutes, that can be arranged.”

“Oh God, yes!” I hand my fast-food bag to Parker and stand immediately. “Where is he?”

“Please, follow me!” he offers and then starts walking away.

Doctor Jacobs guides me through wide hospital hallways, forming a labyrinth that finally leads to the ICU unit where Harvey is currently staying.

He opens the door. There are three patients under his watchful eye there. Harvey is in a secluded corner of the room, with plenty of machinery beeping and bopping around him, but fortunately, he is breathing naturally.

I step ahead of the doctor and inspect the damage left on Harvey. He’s full of bruises and cuts, especially to his face, and I don’t feel confident enough to touch him, save for his exposed hand.

“We’re just keeping an eye on his back injury, he should go to a private room soon,” Doctor Jacobs says in a whisper. “I’ll send a nurse to come fetch you in a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Doctor Jacobs,” I manage to muster a smile.

The doctor leaves, and I’m left alone with a very unconscious Harvey. I lay my hand over his stomach, which, covered by a bed sheet, doesn’t reveal the bruises he hides there.

“Harvey, please talk to me,” I say, now touching his hair and leaning forward to carefully kiss his busted-up lips.

He groans, and my heart skips a beat. Harvey turns his face away from me, making it clear the kiss caused him pain, and soon enough he opens his purple-rimmed blue eyes and looks at me. “Babe!”

I laugh in a mixture of giggles and happy tears. “Oh God, this is a roller coaster of emotions! I was miserable when you entered here, and now that you are awake, I’m as happy as anyone can be!”

He looks at me sideways, then tries out a smile that looks very painful to hold.

“That’s because you love me,” he says, smug and full of himself.

“Yeah, I do,” I say, taking a whiff of his sweaty, bloody scent. “And how about you? Do you love me?”

“Are you nuts, babe? Of course, I do!” He doesn’t bat a lash and I love him even more for it. “You’re the mother of my child, and one hell of a partner in crime, what else could I ask for?”
