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“Oh, silly!” I laugh and kiss him again, only to have him wincing and hissing in pain.

“Ouch!” he says. “Let’s not do that for now, okay? I think I’ve lost another tooth.”

“Oh, poor thing,” I lightly run my fingers through his hair, as that seems to be the one place I can touch without hurting him.

“Harvey, I think the doctor would be better fitted to tell you this, but I can’t hold it any longer: there was a spinal injury, and—”

“Oh, makes sense. I can’t feel my legs,” he says, so nonchalantly that it shocks me.

“And how aren’t you panicking?” I ask, dumbfounded.

Much to my chagrin, Harvey manages to shrug, his face looking so confident I want to punch it.

“What’s the point in panicking, Elsa? It already happened. There’s nothing I can do. What pisses me off is that the assholes won, and I’ll be forced to retire. But oh well, life with you doting on me can’t be that bad.”

“You are going to be able to walk again!” I cry out impatiently and for the lack of places on him to slap, I slap the air.

“The doctor says that you can walk again with physical therapy.”

I see hope light up inside of him, only for me to kill it right after, “However, he doesn’t recommend you to ever play again.”

Harvey sighs laboriously, averts his gaze from me, and says “Eh. What do doctors know?”

“Harvey! This is serious!” I warn him. “A second injury could be much worse!”

He taps his fingers by his side over the bed, with the wires hanging from them clearly bothering him.

“You’re right, babe,” he says, conceding defeat. “But will you be by my side through everything?”

I hold onto his hand and smile, “Of course Harvey!”

“And will you marry me?” He’s met with my silence, and an awkward smile is now frozen on my lips.

He continues, “I promise I’ll do this right, with a ring and a romantic location, but please, just tell me now to make me feel better.”

I can tell I’ve turned bright red. Since I’m cornered by the desperate plea of an injured man I deeply care about and have fallen in love with, there’s only one option left for me.

“Yes, Harvey. I will marry you!” I say, with tears in my eyes.

He pulls me close for a kiss, but remembering his wince last time, I just lightly kiss his jawline. However, he shocks me when he leans in and kisses me full on the lips. I taste blood and feel his pain, and my heart breaks at his determination.

“I thought you didn’t want kisses right now!” I say, surprised.

“I changed my mind!” he says, full of energy.

We stay like that, close together, and just enjoy the fact that despite the crazy scare we just went through, everything is going to be okay.

Chapter Forty


Afteramonth,Ican now feel my legs again. However, I can only stand for a few seconds and can’t walk without support not even to save my life.

This whole ordeal has been challenging, but ever since I woke up in the hospital with Elsa by my side, I knew I could get through it.

I wouldn’t be able to do this without her. Hockey had been my entire life before, but because of her, I know there’s more to life than that and instead of wallowing in self-pity, I have a reason to get up every single day.

For now, it’s the crutches around the house, and the wheelchair outside, but I’m just glad I can get around.
