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I’m grateful I’m not doing this alone. Mom stayed back to watch me. Elsa is here too, and so is Clyde. He’s my big, burly home health aide, who assists me in the shower and chats sports while aiding my recovery.

Today, I’ve got an interview with JF Andrews, a columnist for a famous sports magazine.

I’m primped and primed as I wait for her, sitting on the living room couch, where I can sit my butt for hours and not hurt my back.

Clyde comes for me, and I would have found his gait menacing if I didn’t know he’s a big teddy bear.

“Need anything else,boss?” I would normally insist that he call me by my first name, but his way of saying ‘boss’ makes me laugh so hard I just let him do it.

“No, Clyde, thank you. Just bring in mom and Elsa please.”

I put a twenty-dollar bill in his hand. “You’re free for the next two hours. Go grab some coffee!”

“Hehe, coffee…” the man snickers. I know he’s an avid beer drinker.

I’m left alone, and it sucks to be alone right now. Once you become dependent on other people, you learn how to predict every move of your body, and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to pee in just a few minutes.

“Harvey!” Mom comes from the kitchen with store-bought cookies and some coffee and juice. “Elsa just scheduled her first ultrasound!”

Elsa comes behind her, nodding her head and smiling like a fool.

“Can I go?” I ask like a kid begging to tag along with an older sibling,

“Of course, silly!” She leans down to kiss me. Mom leaves her tray on the coffee table. “We’re going to see our baby!”

I dive down to kiss her belly. She’s only at two months now, and she’s not showing yet, but soon everyone will know that a mini-Baker is sleeping there, just waiting to come out wearing a pair of skates and carrying a hockey stick.

“Hi, baby!” I speak to Elsa’s stomach, lifting her shirt and lightly touching her skin. “I’m your dad, and don’t forget that, okay?”

“I don’t think the baby can understand these complex concepts yet, Harvey.” I see her roll her eyes as I move back into a sitting position.

Mom protests, “It’s never too early! It’s so fun when they start to move. I thought that Kiera and Harvey were karate-chopping each other inside my belly.”

“What if we are having twins? My grandma on my mom’s side was a twin,” Elsa asks softly, holding onto her belly, and looking as if she just had the realization of a lifetime.

I just laugh it off.

What are the odds, right?

Mom pours us glasses of juice, then pours one for herself. “Wow, I guess it could be possible then. What a treat that would be! I’d have twin children then twin grandchildren!”

“Seriously, hon, the scary part is that they usually come out as preemies,” mom continues.

“Preemies?” Elsa asks, confused.

“Premature!” I explain. “Kiera and I were born early at seven months.”

“But they were just fine. And they were so cute!” Mom leans over and pinches my cheeks. “I’m sure it’s pretty unlikely you’ll have twins, but we’ll be finding out soon enough!”

While Elsa takes back her jaw from the floor, the doorbell rings.

“I think it’s the reporter!” I say, getting excited.

“I’ll get it!” Elsa manages to disappear off the scene.

“Are you nervous, Harvey?” Mom asks, leaning forward to inspect me better.

After a shrug or two, I reply “Maybe a little. I mean… I’ve handed out hundreds of interviews during my career, but this might be the last one! Ugh, I wish I had gone to the dentist, first.”
