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“That might not be unexpected, considering what I know of you,” he says, a finger in his mouth to jostle me.

“Harvey!” I slap lightly him on the chest.

When we get to the 3rd floor, the doctor who’ll perform the ultrasound is already calling out my name. I dart ahead, but Harvey keeps at his own personal pace and only arrives at the room five minutes later.

I apologize to the doctor for having to wait.

“Hey, this is the fastest I’ve been in a long while!” Harvey jokes, coming to sit down.

“That’s okay, folks. You’ve arrived just in time!” the doctor says with a smile. “I’m Doctor Glaser, and I’ll be with you until the end of your pregnancy. I’ll be conducting the ultrasound today. Please, lie down on the examination table.”

While Doctor Glaser provides Harvey with a chair, I lay back on the table, propped up. My heart is beating frantically between nerves and now excitement too that I’m going to finally get to see my baby today.

The doctor turns on his monitor and prepares his devices. Harvey comes close to me and holds my hand. Like a puppy wagging its tail, he asks, “Can we know the sex of the baby today, doc?”

“I can try, but we’ll most likely have to wait until around four months,” the doctor says.

“He’s crazy for a boy!” I say.

“Oh, fathers always are!” the doctor completes my thought. “Lift your shirt please, Elsa.”

He squeezes clear goo all over my stomach and gently guides the ultrasound wand over my belly.

“Now let’s see,” Doctor Glaser takes a seat and points to the monitor screen.

He turns the monitor to us, points on the screen, and says, “You can see the tiny embryo developing here.”

I lean forward and even though it’s just a tiny dot, my heart melts into complete love.

“Wait a second…”

The doctor sounds intrigued by something, and I widen my eyes in expectation of what he has to say.

He peruses my belly through all possible angles, and finally, says absolutely nothing and just stares at us with a big grin.

“Come on, doc…” Harvey insists. “Tell us already!”

“You’re having twins!” He claps his hands.

Harvey and I look at each other, completely stupefied. But he snaps out of it first, standing up as fast as he can on his crutches, and celebrates with a fist in the air.

“Aha! Just like me and my sister!” he says, full of cheer. “I need to call my mom!”

Completely ignoring my pleas, Harvey leaves the room with his phone at hand, and doesn’t return until the doctor is giving me the details about the babies.

“The babies are nearing about an inch long and weigh about a quarter of an ounce each. Everything is looking great and you’re on your way to having a safe pregnancy, Elsa!”

“Mom jumped like popcorn!” Harvey loudly announces as he steps back into the room, leaning down close to kiss me.

“Would you like to hear the heartbeat?” the doctor offers.

We just nod our heads eagerly. Doctor Glaser reaches for a handheld ultrasound device and places it gently on my belly. The room is filled with the rhythmic sound of the babies' heartbeats, a symphony of rapid thumps that reassure us, sparking joy that's difficult to put into words.

When I look at Harvey, he’s crying.

“This is so fucking beautiful…” he says, wiping his eyes.

“Don’t curse in front of your children!” I slap him on the back of his head.
