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With his glass set on the table, he spins it around slowly as he speaks. “She went from calling every day, to which I picked up and talked as long as she wanted and answered all of her questions. Her calls stopped two weeks ago.”

“Do you miss her?”

“No,” he answers easily and then seems upset by that. “Do you miss Tyler?”

“That’s a loaded question.”

His eyes are set on the glass spinning in his hands. He stops, gives a slow nod, and then lifts the glass, finishing his drink. “Well then, let’s get drunk.”

Will pours us each another glass. I’m happy he’s keeping the pours incredibly short, but I’m also aware I’m on my third drink of the night.

“What is one of the weirdest things you did as a teenager?” I ask.

“Dyed my hair blond to look like Justin Bieber to impress a girl.” He speaks louder over the music that has picked up tempo from the ballad that was playing before. It’s now his turn to ask a question. “What did you love about growing up in Newbury?”

“The arcade on Main Street. I still have the high score in the Terminator game.”

“You’re MJ? I’ve been trying to beat that score with my nephew!”

“Not as a dangerous with a gun as you thought.” We clink glasses. “Last show you binge-watched?”

“The Watcher. You?”


“Into cowboys?” he asks with a devilish grin.

“Who isn’t?”

“Good to know.”

He winks, and I gulp. Winky Will is cute. It’s second to smoldering Will.

“If there were an Olympic sport for everyday activities, what would you win a gold medal for? You can’t say wedding designing or being a mom.”

“Crafting. Where is your perfect vacation?”

“Fly fishing in Smith River in Montana.”

“You? Fly fishing?” My cheek falls to my hand as I gaze at him in interest. “You learn something new every day. Have you been to Smith River before?”

“Once, with my brother Jack. It’s the prettiest freestone river in the west. It’s so popular that you have to win a lottery to fish in it. Seriously. Thousands of people apply for a permit, and we won. We went trout fishing between the canyons. It was fun and quiet. Just you and the majesty of the mountains, your thoughts free as you listen to the birds and the wind whistling over the river. At night, we ate our catch, and it was the best damn trout I’ve ever had my life.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Nearly perfect. If I go back, you should come.”

I nearly spit out my whiskey. “Me and fly fishing? I’d talk so much that I’d scare the fish away.”

“What vacation do you want?”

“Spa retreat. Tara and Jillian treated me to one this summer, and it was heaven.”

“Maybe you could have a spa day while I fished, and we’d meet back at the cabin.”

I lift my glass in an air cheers. “Now, that, my friend, is something I can agree to. Okay, my turn.” I lean into the table, my thoughts pensive. “Are you really good at magic, or are you pretending?”
