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“Baby, you’ve never brunched until you’ve brunched with me … naked and in my bed.”

I giggle. Damn, this man and I are on the same wavelength.

This could be good … or so very, very bad.

After an incredible afternoon of brunching with Will, I drive home a little before the kids are supposed to return with Tyler. I showered with Will, so my hair is pinned up in a wet bun as I walk through the front door. I hear the sound of Dad’s electrical saw from his wood workshop. I drop my bag on the kitchen counter and get a start on dinner, which happens to be leftover Bolognese because Will and I only had a small amount during our brunch and he insisted I bring home the rest for Dad and the kids.


I’m a woman who loves the meal, but Will certainly made a meal out of it. As promised, he ate waffles, eggs, spaghetti Bolognese, and … me in bed. My eyes roll as I think of that and the awesomely spicy Bloody Marys he made before we showered together, lathering each other up. Talking, kissing, laughing …loving.

Tyler’s car door slams outside, and I walk to the door. Hunter is the first up the stairs. I get my usual hug, kiss, and request to snuggle with me before he goes to bed.

Izzy is right behind him, giving me an extra squeeze, which surprises me.

“How was your night?” I ask her, running my hands over her head and looking at her tired eyes.

“We ordered pizza and watched a movie.”

“Did you sleep?”

“Yeah. Dad and I were up late, talking.”

“That’s a good thing.”

She shrugs with a sideways smile and walks past me into the kitchen. Hunter is already unloading his backpack of magic tricks that he brought with him to the show yesterday.

Tyler is slow to come up the stairs. There’s something about the way his steps seem heavy and his face sallow that has me standing and waiting for him at the top.

“I got new checkbooks in the mail.”

I tilt my head at him, wondering why he’s sharing this information.

“When we got back last night, there was a box on my doorstep.” He reaches into his back pocket and produces a checkbook.

I take it from his hand. It’s as flat as could be, unused and the pages yet to be turned. I flip over the top white sheet and see the personalized photo check. My hand flies to my mouth as I fight back the mixed feelings of laughter and mortification.

The check features a picture of me with my nose scrunched and giving the middle finger. It was taken the night Tara and I burned the robe in my backyard and then ordered personalized checks for Tyler. I completely forgot about this.

“Use them in good health.” I hand them back to him and grin and laugh.

He fights his own smile of annoyance. “You and Tara have done some dumb shit over the years, but this”—he pauses as if it pains him to say it—“is really funny.”

The sun has gone down already, so I cross my arms for warmth.

He notices and gestures toward the door. “I should let you get back inside. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. I’m serious about not having just anyone spending time with our kids, but the way I went about it was uncalled for. Izzy and I talked last night, and I get it. I embarrassed her, and I apologized. Hunter too. He’s easier to please, but Izzy, she’s growing up to be a young woman, and she has so many feelings.”

“Yeah, that’ll happen to a girl.”

“I want to fix my relationship with her. With you. We’re a family, and up until last year, we were able to coexist in the same house and have this family life without being a family.”

“Ty, we lived in the same house because I was advised not to abandon the home or I could lose the rights to it, and you refused to rent an apartment, so you slept in the guest room. Then, you had an affair with Maisie and started staying with her. By the way, how’s cohabitating going? For the record, you never asked me my permission to have her live in the same home as my children, yet you love to tell me who I can and can’t have in mine.”

He sighs. “Maisie hasn’t moved in yet. We’re taking it slow.”

I narrow my eyes at him because there’s something he’s not telling me about that situation, but I don’t care enough to pry it out of him. “I’m glad you and Izzy had a heart-to-heart.”

“She doesn’t talk much, but when she does, it’s like a butterfly spreading its wings for the first time. I don’t want her to get into her teen years and be bitter because of us. I spoke to the therapist you texted me, and I think it’s a good fit to try. I can set that up for her if you need.”
