Page 30 of Love… It's Wild

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“She wants you.”

I pause, taken aback by his sincerity. “It’s better I can’t. I have my own work to do in Newbury, and I can’t run from Patrick forever.”

“What if you didn’t run from him, but rather walked in another direction for a while?” He closes the distance between us and plants his boots firmly in front of me. His chest heaves, as if the words he’s about to say will be so powerful, so potent with meaning, that they will blow us both away. “I was wrong.”

I let out a laugh like an exhale of relief. “That looked painful. The words out of your mouth were like splinters on your lips.”

The sides of his mouth twitch. “I hated every second. I mean it though. I was harsh to you. Doesn’t change my feelings on makeup, cutting up clothes, cursing—”

“You curse!”

“That’s different.”

“How so? Be careful how you answer because you’re about to sound like a misogynist.”

“I can’t go an entire summer without seeing my kids. I’m running out of time to find someone to help. Just the month of July. That’s all I need. I’m gonna try to take time off in August. Take them on a real vacation. Until then, I need you. Do you think you can stand being around me for that long?”

“Depends. I like this Rob. Not the mean one.”

“Can’t promise I’ll behave.”

“Okay, fine. I kind of like your meanness. It’s hot.”

That low rumble I’ve become accustomed to grumbles in his chest. “Tara,” he bites out as a warning.

“Man, you have some easy buttons to push.” I flip my hair and jut out my hip. “If you want my help this summer, you have to beg.”

“I am not begging you. And don’t forget, you also need to get out of town for a while.”

“I could go anywhere for the summer. There’s this amazing invention called a laptop that allows you to work from all over the world and be productive.”

He backs away. “Still not begging.”

“On your knees, Bronson.”

He turns his back to me. “You’re crazy.”

“You need new adjectives.”

“I have plenty of them.” He gives a little wave as he starts up the steps. “See you on Monday morning.”

I roll my eyes and concede. “Fine. You don’t have to beg so hard. I’ll do it. Are you opposed to assless chaps?”

His feet stop for a moment, and he lowers his head. A small smirk is evident from his profile, and I pretend not to notice it.

“This is gonna be a long summer.”

He’s not wrong.


“Damn, woman. I said to pack for five days. Not five months,” Rob grumbles as he carries my suitcases toward the house.

I hand Molly the grocery bags filled with snacks—I can’t imagine going five days without a proper supply of junk food.

“I don’t plan on lugging my things back and forth all summer, so this is my ranch attire, which will reside here,” I explain.

He stops at the top of the porch steps, giving me an arched brow. “Your ranch attire?”
