Page 107 of My Bully's Love

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We both glance over at the twelve jurors that are walking back to their seats. It’s hard to tell what they are thinking. I saw sympathy when Kaylee was up there, but also when Ella was up there telling her account of the attack. I think it can go either way at this point, and that’s not good.

The judge ended up allowing the Defense to bring in the three videos as evidence. Thankfully, Finn was able to find them and hack into the site to take them down off the web, but they will still be shown here since the videos were copied. For the life of me, I don’t know what videos they would be, aside from the one that was sent to Ella. Ethan did let it be known that she had received it, so that way if it is one of the videos then the jury would know that it was not one that we produced and put up on the porn site.

Because of the content, certain body parts were covered as the videos are shown. Just as we thought, the one that was sent to Ella was the very first one. I actually got embarrassed over the video, not because of what we were doing, but because Elaine was now seeing it as well. I’m more embarrassed over her seeing it than I was when Ethan saw it in his office. I also wasn’t liking the fact that strangers were seeing my girl this way.

I keep a close eye on Toby, Mason, and Brandon as they not so much watch the video but listen to it with smirks on their faces. Kaylee is over there glaring at the playback. When the next video begins to play, my head whips towards the screen because I don’t remember anything that's going on in the video,it's unfamiliar to me.

Scrutinizing the screen, my eyes go round. Those little fuckers photoshopped the video, just like they did the one of Ella and Brandon in the classroom, only this one looks legit. I quickly tap Ethan’s arm and motion for him to give me a pen and paper. When he does, I quickly scribble out one word,birthmark?

The body that has Ella’s head attached to it has no birthmark on the right side of her back. Ella’s birthmark isn’t overly huge, but it is about three inches long, about an inch wide, and about six inches up from her waist, making it impossible for it not to be seen in this video. As for the guy, his dick isn’t anywhere near my size, and I’d be happy to prove it to these fuckers!

The third video is the same as the second one, a fake. By the time it’s done playing, I want to do a happy dance. Ella grins back at me after seeing the note I gave her father and realizing that they were fakes. The Defense continues on as if they have us right where they want us, though.

“So, as you can see,” the lawyer turns to the jury, “these videos are probable cause for Miss Baxter to want to set the defendants up.”

“Objection, your Honor,” Ethan stands up and faces the Defense lawyer, “Did you even send these videos in to make sure they weren’t altered?”

“Well, you saw the first video, it’s the one that Miss Baxter has on her phone.” The lawyer defends.

“And like I said in the beginning, she was sent that video a day ago. We can have it proven in no time. As for the other two videos, they are fakes. That is not Ella in the video and so I can only assume that the male isn’t Jace, either.”

“What makes you think that?” The judge asks Ethan.

“Because your Honor, Ella has a birthmark on her back that is not on the body of the woman in the video.” He turns to his daughter and nods.

Ella nods and stands up before turning her back on the jury, and lifting her shirt, showing them that she does, indeed have a very dark mark on her back. When the Defense asks about the male, I stand up right away, bringing my hands to the waist of my pants.

“I can prove that isn’t me, just give me a moment to bring it to true size.” I smirk.

The courtroom erupts in laughter and the judge slams his gavel down, “That will not be necessary, Mr. Palmer.”

I shrug and then wink at the Defense before taking my seat again. Elaine slaps me in the chest, playfully, “You would show them, wouldn’t you?” she chuckles.

“Damn straight I would. There’s no shame in my game, Elaine.” I grin.

"Your Honor," Ethan speaks up, "Another point to make is that Ella brought these charges against the defendants a few months ago, and she was still a virgin up until a few days ago." I have to give to Ethan, he never once winced while talking about his little girl losing her virginity, “So, her making these accusations because of said videos is preposterous.”

“So, let me get this straight,” the judge speaks up as he scowls at the Defense, “You brought ‘evidence’ into my court room that you hadn’t verified?”

“Your honor, it came from a very reliable source.” The lawyer states.

“And who is this source?” The judge asks.

“I cannot reveal their name, your Honor.”

“Well then, I guess that settles it,” the judge looks over at the jury, “Disregard the videos. It is tampered evidence and cannot be used.” He looks around, “Are there any more witnesses or evidence that needs to be presented?”

Both lawyers shake their heads, “Prosecution rests, your Honor.”

“Defense rest as well, your Honor.”

“Very well. We will adjourn while the jury deliberates. If they don’t come to a verdict before the end of business, we will continue at nine tomorrow morning.” The judge slams the gavel down and then takes his leave.

I can’t wait a second longer as I pull Ella toward me and hug her tight, “Thank fuck those were fake. I don’t know what I would do if someone had more videos of us.”

“If you wouldn’t use my daughter the way that you do, then you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” Ethan mumbles.

“Dad, don’t start please.” Ella lectures her father as Elaine says his name sternly.
