Page 109 of My Bully's Love

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I study him for a moment and then nod, “Yeah. Let’s get this over with.”

We just settle into our seats when the bailiff asks everyone to stand once again for the judge. Once the judge and jury are back in their own seats, the judge begins, “Has the jury come to a decision?”

A middle-aged woman in the first chair stands up with a piece of paper in her hands, “We have your Honor.”

“Proceed.” The judge orders.

“In the case Ella Baxter vs. Tobias Anderson, we find the defendant guilty. In the case Ella Baxter vs. Mason Baker, we find the defendant guilty.” I feel as if I’m about to faint again as the woman continues to read the verdicts in my favor, “In the case Ella Baxter vs. Brandon Feeney, we find the defendant guilty. In the case Ella Baxter vs. Kaylee Simpson, we find the defendant guilty.”

Murmurs erupt in the courtroom as family members to the defendants, gasp and mumble to each other. I throw my arms around my dad, hugging him with everything I’ve got, “You did it, Daddy!”

“No, sweetie, you did it!” My dad hugs me back just as tight, but then lets me go when the judge’s gavel hits his bench.

“I want to thank the jury for their service in this case. You all are free to go.” The judge releases the jurors before turning to the defendants, “There will be a sentencing hearing in a couple of days for all defendants. Your lawyer will contact you with the date and time. I’m releasing three of the four of you to the care of your parents until then and I suggest you show up or else a warrant will be issued for your arrest.” The judge turns to Kaylee, “Miss Simpson, since your parents put a plea in seeking help for you, I will be sending you to a treatment facility until the date of your sentencing. Please be advised that this is not an option. If you leave the facility, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.”

Kaylee, who is sitting in her chair, bawling her eyes out, just nods her understanding. I almost feel a little sorry for her, but I can’t allow myself to have any sympathy for any of them. When Kaylee looks up, we make eye contact, and instead of seeing regret or remorse, all I get is a look of pure hatred. My body shivers as a chill runs through it just from the look, and I have to turn my attention away from her.

Jace jumps over the little divider and pulls me into his arms. He holds the back of my head to his chest as he buries his face into my neck, “I’m so fucking proud of you, baby!” he mumbles as he continues to hold me.

There is a slight cough behind him and reluctantly, he lets me go so my mom can hug me too, “I’ll only steal her for a moment, Jace,” She chuckles and then wraps me in her arms, “Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you! Now you can move on with your life and try to forget all about this.”

I scoff, “I don’t think I can ever forget, but I can move on. I won’t let it define me, Mom.”

“That’s my girl!” She says as she pulls away from me and holds me at arm’s length, “Now you can get back to your life and start your summer classes without any of this looming over you.”

I smile, because it’s a huge relief to have this over with. I miss my small apartment, and my new friends. I even miss both my jobs that are still waiting for me to get back to. When I turn back to Jace, I notice the sad smile pasted on his face, and I know right away what it’s for. I’ll be leaving soon, and he has to stay behind for a few more weeks at least. I go back to him and circle my arms around his neck. He isn’t expecting my lips to press against his here in the courtroom for all to see, but they do, because in that moment, all I could think about was tasting him, and so I am.

His hands squeeze my hips as I continue to kiss him in front of everyone. The world slips away briefly while our lips are attached to one another. I think that nothing can break us apart in this moment, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Jace pulls away first. Lust burns in his eyes as he gazes down at me and cups my cheek.

“I love you, Ella Baxter…”

I bite my lower lip and grin, “And I have fallen head-over-heels in love with you, Jace Palmer…”

Chapter 41

In The Heat Of The Night

When Jace had dropped me off at home after court, my mom and I had a very long talk. It’s not what I wanted to do with my Friday night, but I’m glad I did. I didn’t think that my mom would be so understanding about me and Jace, so I was quite thrilled to learn that she is okay with our relationship. When she goes on and mentionshow she had dabbled with the idea of trying a little kink with my dad I had to cover my ears and babble loudly because that is not something that a daughter wants to hear.

“Oh, come on,” she slaps my arm playfully, “I thought we were sharing?”

“No Mom, we don’t share stories like this,” I pretend to gag, “I share because you make me, but I’m not making you share anything with me.”

“You’re such a bore sometimes, Ella,” My mom kids, “It’s not like I was going to tell you about the times we tried anal…”


“Kidding!” She holds her hands up, “Geesh.”

“The fact that you even said the word ‘anal’ inthatway, turns my stomach.” I tell her.

“Well, I’m sorry that you feel that way, sweetie. You know, you will be my age one day, with kids of your own, and still doing what your father and I still do. Well, I guess you will be doing worse if you’re still with Jace.” She chuckles.

“Mom.” I say her name in warning.

“Okay, okay, so anyway,” thankfully she changes the topic, “When are you planning on flying back?”

“Well, I need to get back to work, and Jace needs to get back to school, so I want to check on flights for Monday morning, maybe. I’d like to spend the weekend with Jace before I leave.” I say sadly.
