Page 146 of My Bully's Love

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I would have dropped my phone had Jace not been there to catch it. I sit down on the bed in total disbelief over what they got. This punishment isn’t anything. It sure isn’t going to stop them from doing it again, that’s for sure! I had a feeling that they wouldn’t get a whole lot of time, but to not get anything at all?

“Honey, are you there?” My dad calls out.

“Give her a minute, Ethan, she’s in a bit of shock right now.” Jace says softly into the phone. He sits beside me and draws me into his arms to hold me, “I’m so sorry, Ella.” He says against my ear.

I get a hold of myself and take my phone back, “Thanks for letting me know, Dad. Can I call you back in a day or so?”

“Sure, sweetie, but don’t hesitate to call beforehand if you need anything.” He says.

“I won’t, Daddy. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

I hang up with him and lay my phone on the nightstand before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I need a minute to myself. I stand in front of the mirror and just stare at myself. I want to see what others see when they look at me, but I don’t know what they are seeing, because I feel as though there are many sides to Ella Baxter. My question is, which side is it that those four saw that made them think it was okay to do what they did to me? I begin to tremble as I lean against the vanity, unaware of the noise beginning deep inside my throat. Soon enough, I’m beginning to scream and Jace is rushing through the door to get to me. I don’t stop screaming, though, and he has to cover my mouth with his hand as he slides to the floor with me in his arms.

“Shh, baby. It’s going to be okay, I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Jace coos in my ear but his words do nothing.

Normally, his words would be soothing, but right now, I feel as if nothing is going to make this right. I thrash in his arms, trying to break free, but Jace won’t let me go, and it’s beginning to piss me off. I growl and glare at him, but it isn’t until I bite his hand that he gets really pissed at me. Good, because I’m pissed at him right now!

“You don’ get to act like a little brat with me, not when I’m trying to comfort you, Ella!” It’s his Dom voice that lectures me, which actually helps to calm my nerves a little bit, “You biting my hand was out of line! I understand the situation and what you must be feeling, but you don’t act out towards the people you love or who love you! Do you understand?”

I nod my head slowly as tears begin to stream down my face, “I understand, Sir. I’m sorry.”

He kisses my forehead, “You’re forgiven this time, but don’t ever Mike Tyson me and bite me again!” He chuckles which in turn, makes me giggle a little, “Now, tell me what I can do to help you through this, Precious.”

I study his green orbs and the worry that is laced within them. I don’t know how we got to where we are after everything that has happened, but I thank God every day for placing Jace in my life. Even if I had to go through two years of hell; it was all worth it. I don’t really know what it is that I need right now.

“I have the urge to hit something, Sir. I want to just pound my fists into something over and over again, but then I want you to hurt me. I want to feel pain. Can you do that for me, Sir?”

He stares at me with a knowing look, “Yeah, baby, I can do that for you.” He pulls me up from the bed, “let’s go get dressed.”

Chapter 56

I Trust You

The last place I thought we would end up is at the local gym, but had I thought about it, I should have known this is where he would take me. Where else do you go to hit stuff? It’s not a big gym, but it looks as though it focuses on boxing more that weightlifting. I don’t want to lift heavy stuff, I want to hit stuff, so this place is perfect. I’m assuming he searched online for a gym in town that I would benefit from. He’s so thoughtful, that it makes me wonder if all Doms are this way or is it just the boyfriend side of him. Either way, I love him more for it.

Before starting, he takes each of my hands and wraps some sort of bandage looking strip around my knuckles, hand, and wrist on each one. I’m then brought over to a little ball-looking thing that hangs down, which he keeps referring to it as a speed bag or something. Jace shows me how to use it, and I don’t know what interests me more, the boxing equipment or the fact that his biceps bulge as he hits it continuously. I bite down on my lip as I watch him very intently.

“Keep eye fucking me like that and I’m going to take you right here, Precious.” He warns with a slight growl.

I glance at him and give him my sexiest smile, “I never knew how hot boxing could be, Sir.”

“Boxing or the guy doing the boxing?” He raises a brow and smirks.

I sweep my eyes up and down his body, taking in the loose basketball shorts that he’s wearing. The outline of his well-endowed man part is visible with his every move. Moving my eyes back to his upper body, there isn’t an ounce of fat to be found. If his body alone doesn’t make a woman come, then there is something seriously wrong with her. What I want to know though, is when did his body change? I remember him being lean, but not bulky. Now, all I want to do is worship his body and let him do all the deliciously dirty things that he wants to do to me as I beg him not to stop.

“The guy, definitely the guy…” I lick my lips.

He lowers his voice down so nobody can hear him, “Okay, my greedy little whore, get that cute ass over here and start punching this bag. You don’t get to have my cock until we get back home.”

“You just threatened to take me right here,” I pout jokingly, “Now I have to wait until we get home?”

Jace groans, “You’re killing me here, Precious. Do you want to hit shit, or do you want me to fuck shit; it’s your decision.”

I giggle, “I’m sorry, I’ll be good.”

For the next hour and a half, Jace shows me all of the boxing equipment and I take my frustrations out on the punching bags. Now that I know how to punch the long punching bag, I have time to think about the call from my dad and the main reason we are here. It feels so good to be aggressive and act like I’m hitting each one of their faces every time I throw a punch. I can’t believe that they got off the way they did! What about me? Am I chopped liver? Do my feelings not count for anything?
