Page 161 of My Bully's Love

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The flight over was long, but I was able to think about everything going on. I don’t know if I should say anything to Ella because I’m not for sure that it is him, but if it is, she needs to be aware and stay alert. I’m really finding it hard to believe that Mason would know where she is at, but I can’t put it past him either. I can handle him if that’s who is fucking with my girl, but if it’s an unknown? I’d like to think I could protect her, and I will at all costs, but so much can go wrong with the unknown.

Catching a little sleep on the plane has me wide awake as the plane’s tires touch the tarmac. In just a few minutes I’m going to see my girl and I won’t have to leave her again. Is it sad that the first thing I think about when I walk into that apartment is to fuck my girl? I know we have both been hurting, masturbating on video chat is far from the real thing, but it’s worse for her. Slapping the wooden spoon on her pussy isn’t the same as me belting or caning her. She’s been on edge lately, and I’m fairly sure it’s withdrawals.

I’m so deep in thought as I walk away from the baggage claim that I don’t see the dark-haired beauty running towards me until it’s too late. For only being five-foot-three, it’s hard to believe that she could knock anything over, but we both just about go tumbling to the ground as she jumps on me. It was like a little ninja spider monkey jump. She mauls me right in the middle of the crowd, and I let her.

“Mm, did you miss me?” I ask amusingly.

“Not one little bit.” Her mouth crashes to mine once again and I hold the back of her head with one hand and her ass with the other. Her little legs help keep her in place as they lock around my waist.

I let her take her time molesting me in the middle of the airport. Who am I to tell the woman that I love to stop kissing me after not seeing each other for a couple of weeks. I’m not going to lie, I feel like we are in one of those romance movies or some shit like that, but I’ll let Ella do her thing until she’s ready to climb back down from me. Besides, I love having her back in my arms again.

When she pulls her mouth away, she gazes down and grins at me, “Hi.” She says softly.


“I’ve missed you.”

“Have you? I couldn’t tell.” I smirk and then give her one more quick kiss before letting her slide down my body. Grabbing hold of my suitcase with one hand, I take her hand with my other.

“Is this all you have?” She asks, frowning.

“What? Did you expect me to bring my whole closet onto the plane?” I chuckle, “The rest is coming in boxes.”

“Oh, okay.” She sounds relieved.

I stop walking, “Did you think that I wasn’t staying?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure if you meant it when you said that you were moving here now, I mean, with school and everything.”

“Ella, I only have a few assignments left and a week left of classes. Testing is all done, so I’m sure I will be okay with submitting the last few assignments online. I’ve already emailed the principal, and I will call him on Monday. Stop worrying that pretty little head.”

Her smile brightens right away, “Okay. Oh, I’ve started moving my stuff upstairs. Reece and Gabe helped me do that today, and the apartment manager was nice and changed the locks on the new apartment for us, just in case.”

“Good, I may add extra chains or something as well. I don’t want anybody being able to get in, especially when you are there by yourself.” Leaning in, I kiss her temple just before we walk outside.

“There is only one little problem if we want to stay in the new place.” She scrunches up her face really cute.

Grinning at the cuteness, “What’s that, baby?”

“We won’t have any furniture until our parents get here in a few days.”

“I guess that means we just spend all our time in the only room with furniture?” I wiggle my brows at her, and she blushes, but I see the lust in her eyes as well. I’m growing hard just looking at her, “Hey,” I change topics for both our sake, “How about we stop at the store and grab stuff so I can make you chicken alfredo for dinner.

Her eyes light up, “Oh yum! I love your chicken alfredo!”

“Hopefully not as much as you love me.” I joke and squeeze her hand.

“I don’t think I could ever love anything else that much.” The smile that lights up her face, warms my heart. Her love for me shines through, chasing away any lingering doubts that I may have about her true feelings.

Getting to her car in the parking garage, she pops the trunk and waits for me to put my luggage away before tossing me the keys to the car. It was nice of Reece to lend Ella her car to come get me. I can’t wait until my parents get here with my own vehicle. After talking with them last night about me moving here sooner rather than later. They talked with Ella’s parents, and they decided to drive our vehicles here for us and then fly back. That way, they can also bring some more of our things.

I spent most of the night packing up all my toys and props, making sure the boxes were taped up nice and tight before placing them in the back of my jeep. Even though I shipped most of my stuff, these boxes were too heavy and were going to cost an arm and a leg to ship. I just don’t need my parents snooping in my stuff and seeing what my hobbies are.

Turning my attention back to the present, I open the passenger door for Ella, and then circle the car and open the driver’s side. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up; I feel as though I am being watched. I glance around the parking lot but don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Getting in, I smile at my girl and then drive usto the nearest grocery store before heading home.

“Strip, baby.” It’s the first thing I say when we get into her apartment. We haven’t gone upstairs to our place yet, because she wanted to stop here to grab a few things, but I can’t wait any longer.

“Sir?” She raises a questioning brow.
