Page 26 of My Bully's Love

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I can tell how uncomfortable she is, and so what I do next is just out of spite. Stepping closer, I pull her into me for a nice bear hug, “I’m glad we can be together this year, Ella, just like old times!” I lift her up and spin her around.

I hear her as she curses me under her breath, and when I see that nobody is paying attention, I give a quick slap to her ass and whisper, “Be good, Ella.” I set her back down and step away, clapping my hands, “What can I help with?” I notice that we got here just in time to decorate the tree. Admiring all the new ornament that they have, I come across a few of the old ones that I remember well. Aside from the one with my name on it, my favorite one lays right beside it. It’s a picture of me on a sled with Ella in front of me as we fly down the hill not far from here. The camera captured our expressions so well that Elaine had put it on a glass ball ornament with the year it was taken. It was the Christmas of our freshman year when we didn’t have a care in the world, and all was well.

Ella comes to stand beside me, offering me a mug of hot chocolate, even remembering to add the little marshmallows and candy cane, when she looks down at the glass ornament that I’m holding. A sad smile crosses her face, she takes the ornament from my hands and studies it. I can see her thinking back to that day, and I’m glad that she can still smile about it.

“Those were good times.” She says softly.

“There will be more good times for us, Ella.” I’m staring down at her, taking in her sweet scent, watching the emotions dance across her face. She doesn’t believe me, so I take her chin and lift her face towards me, “Believe me, Ella. I’m not going anywhere, and I will do what it takes to make you believe that” I lower my voice just a little more, “and for you to understand that you belong to me, and I will never let you go.” Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, I leave her standing there as I go and join her family by the tree.

Chapter 13

Together For The Holidays

Jace showing up at my family’s cabin defeated the purpose of me driving up a week early in order to get away from him. Yeah, it was nice spending this alone time with my sister, but I could have done that at home and not up here in the middle of nowhere. I needed time to think about my future, and what I was going to do about Jace. His friends have hurt me worse than he ever did. At least he never called me a slut in front of a group of people or tried raping me. Sure, he’s had me do things that I didn’t want to do…at first, but he never would have went through with any of it had I said a definite no,at least I like to think that, anyway. The things he talked me into doing were things that ended up turning me on or pleasuring me.

I’m beginning to think that Jace really does know what I need, but he’s going about it the wrong way, like blackmailing me with my sister and his friends and having me sign that contract. I’m so confused as to what it is that he’s trying to accomplish. A few months ago, he hated me and bullied me every day. Now, he’s telling me that he’s never leaving me, and that I’m his. That boy definitely has issues. Maybe if he tells me what went wrong that fateful night, then maybe we can get past all of this and move forward, but I just don’t think I can trust him anymore.

As much as I’m upset with the events that took place right before break, I can’t help that I’m sort of happy that he’s here with me, and spending Christmas with us. He’s controlling and a bit of a sadist, and of course thinks that we are in some D/s relationship, but in the end, he’s just my bully that lives next door, trying to get close to me again for some reason that is unknown to me. Talk about going crazy!

I wonder what he’s going to say when he finds out that I’ll be leaving for college sooner than planned? Not that he ever knew of my plans, but he will in the near future. Who knows, maybe I won’t even tell him, and that way he will have no choice but to move on. My only concern is what will happen to my sister? Would he really let her get used by his friends?

I shake myself back to the present when I realize that I’m sitting here, by the fire, staring at Jace as he talks to my parents, as well as his own. The Palmers only arrived a few minutes ago, and are now catching up with my parents. We started a big pot of chili before the Palmers got here, so we could all eat together. It’s going to be weird having the whole clan here for the holiday, but it’s also nice.

Standing, I stretch a bit before heading to the kitchen to start the cinnamon rolls. I grab the Pillsbury dough cans from the fridge and turn to go to the counter, but I run into a hard body. Large hands grasp my arms to keep me from falling over, sending tingles straight to a certain part of my body. His cologne tells me exactly who it is without me even looking.

“I’m sorry. I should have been more careful.”

“No need to apologize, Ella. Geesh, I’m the one that snuck up on you…I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, accidents happen. No harm, no foul.” I try smiling but even I know it’s a pathetic attempt.

“Do you need any help in here? I feel like I should be doing something.” He runs his hand through his grown out, dirty blonde hair, and I bite my lip at the sexiness of that simple action. “Hello, earth to Ella.” Jace chuckles as he waves his hand in front of my face.

Startled, I quickly move to the counter, “Uh, I think I’m good, but thank you.” I bend down to grab a baking sheet from the cabinet below, and I feel him step into me from behind.

He places his hands on my hips, sending shivers all over my body, “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help?”

Finding the sheet that I need; I stand back up and place it on the counter. I close my eyes and give myself a moment to enjoy the feel of his touch. His hot breath lands on my neck as he leans in to inhale my scent, “What do you need me to do, Ella?”His voice is low and husky.

Moisture pools between my legs, soaking into my panties, and I make myself step away from him. I paste a fake smile onto my face and turn to him, “I’ve got it handled here. Why don’t you head back into the other room and I’ll be there in a minute?”

He scrutinizes me, before taking my chin and staring into my eyes, “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, Ella.” He brings his mouth to mine after he glances toward the kitchen door, and places a kiss on my lips, “We need to talk tonight, and it can’t wait.”

Tightening my lips into a straight line, I nod, “Okay,” I answer, “We can talk when our parents go to bed. Unless you want to talk in the family room you know my parents won’t allow us in the same room together. I doubt you want anybody hearing what you want to talk to me about.”

His mouth kicks up on one side in a half smile, “You got that right.”

I sigh, “Very well, once the ‘rents’ are in bed then you can come to my room, but you need to promise that you will behave!”

“Ella, are you trying to order me around?” He raises a brow and uses his sexy Dom voice.


“Are you lying to me now?”

I try to hide the smirk, “No.”

He keeps a straight face the whole time, and then goes to walk past me on his way out of the kitchen. As he passes, he leans in, “That’s two punishments right there, sweet cheeks.” He slaps my butt and leaves me standing in the kitchen, horny, wet, and heated with embarrassment.Call me a masochist, but I've been craving for one of his punishments, I enjoy them, and he can't know that because then they wouldn't be punishments, but what he doesn't know, won't hurt him.
