Page 35 of My Bully's Love

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Both Toby and Brandon kick me where no woman should ever be kicked, before they spit on me as well. Mason is the only oneleft as he squats besideme before leaving, telling me that he could have been good to me if only I gave him a chance. He doesn’t spit on me like the others, no, he takes the gag from my mouth and spits in my mouth before replacing the gag and walking away.

I don’t know how long I lay on the ground but when I finally start feeling the cold seeping through, I try to get up, but I fall back as I cry out in pain. I try feeling around for my phone that I know I had in my hand, up until they tore my coat off, so it’s got to be around here somewhere. Looking around, I can only see out of one eye, but I find my coat not too far away. Biting the inside of my cheek, I inch my way over to where it lays, trying hard not to scream in pain. I search the area with my hand until I finally find it.

I’m about to call my parents, but then I think about how they would find me. I can’t have them seeing me like this. There is only one person that I can call, and I hope to God that he doesn’t land himself in jail when he finds out who my assailants were. My phone lights up and I scroll through my contacts until I find his name, and click on it.

It only rings twice before he answers, “Ella?”

“Jace…” my voice cracks.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I hear the concern in his voice, and it breaks me. The tears come again.

“Jace, can you come find me?”

“Where are you, Ella?”

“B-By the t-tree line on the c-curve into t-town.” I stutter as I try to explain where I’m at, “Please hurry...I hurt so bad…” I must pass out because I don’t remember anything until I hear my name.

“ELLA…OH MY GOD, ELLA!” Strong arms lift me up, causing pain to slice through my whole body and making me cry out, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, baby!” Jace gently holds me in his arms as he pulls his phone out, “What the fuck happened? Who did this to you?”

Not really hearing his words, just the sound of his voice, I smile up at him, “You came for me…thank you!”

“Of course I came for you! I will always come for you, Ella!” He holds the phone to his ear, and I hear him telling someone on the other line to send help, “Hold on, Ella, we’re going to get you to the hospital. Let me call your parents…”

“NOO…” I gasp because the effort to yell hurt like hell, “not until I’m at the hospital. I don’t want them seeing me like this.”

I watch as he checks me over and nods in agreement, “Okay, yeah. I’ll call them once we get there. I will also make sure they know to clean you up before letting your parents see you.” All of a sudden, I hear a choked sob and I glance back up at Jace, “Damn it Ella, who did this to you?”

I close my eye because it hurts too much to keep the one eye open, “Promise you won’t do anything that will land you in jail, and I will tell you.”

“You can’t make me promise that baby. Whoever did this needs to pay!”

I try to smile, knowing that would be what he says, “Okay, well at least promise not to kill them. I can’t have you going to death row because of me.”

He nods furiously, “I promise, Ella. I won’t kill anybody, I promise.”

“You were right, you know.”

He looks at me confused, but then says, “I’m right all the time, but what is it I was right about this time?”

“You’re a smartass, do you know that?” I wince at a sharp pain in my ribs.

“Watch it, babe. You will heal at some point, and then you will be sorry for not watching that mouth of yours.”

My hand comes to the chain that is still around my neck, “Always gotta be in Dom mode,” I joke.

“Enough stalling, Ella.”

“You were right about Mason. He was in on everything.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was pretending to be my friend, he was in on the attack in the restroom, and he was here tonight with your two friends…and her.”

“Toby and Brandon were part of this…and fucking Kaylee?”

I nod.

He caresses my cheek,“You’ve been a good girl, Ella baby, rest now. I hear the ambulance coming.”
