Page 56 of My Bully's Love

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There are only two others in the class, another Dom and a Domme. I’ve only seen two females come through here, training to be a Domme, so it’s interesting to watch when they train both female and male subs. I think they are a bit crueler than a Dom, but also more caring, if that makes sense at all. The one in this class goes by the name Mistress Skye, but she is also a Mommy Domme, meaning that she likes her submissive to act like a little kid, called a Little. That’s not for me at all. Ella can call me Daddy all she wants, but I want my sub to act like her real age. To each their own, I guess.

We learn the ten basic must have knots that Riku teaches all beginners. As the days go on, we learn how to intertwine the ropes together before moving on to the different bondage positions and rope placement for those positions. By the end of my last week here I am practicing my rope play skills on a willing sub. Since I passed at the top of the three-person class, I was given permission to tie the sub up, but not suspend them yet. I understand the dangers of rope play, or any kind of play if you don’t do it properly.

I take my position as a Dom seriously and I will not put Ella or any sub that I train in danger because of my lack of skill or knowledge. I will continue my Shibari classes with Riku after I leave here tomorrow, because it is a very relaxing feeling, for me anyway. As much as I want to have Ella bound and naked before me, I will hold off until I am done with my classes.

I thank all the instructors for helping me refresh my skills in the past weeks, but I don’t say goodbye, because I know I will be back for more. Even Jude and Riku continue their education and refresh their knowledge every so often. Being a Dom means continuously learning and growing in order for you to be the best at what you do. You have others that are dependent on you, and who are putting their complete trust in you, the least you can do is give them everything you’ve got and show them that their trust isn’t being wasted.

I’m excited as I pull into the driveway at home. All I can think about is showering and then going over to see Ella. I have to apologize for my behavior the last time we were together, and hope that she forgives me, because I’d rather not have to start all over from scratch with her. Grabbing my bag from the back seat, I’m surprised to see my mom home from the store already.

“Hey, mom, missed you!” I lean over the chair she’s sitting in and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Oh, I do have a son! I was beginning to wonder since I haven’t heard from you in almost two weeks!” She glares at me, but I see the smile that she’s trying hard to hide.

It still makes me flush with embarrassment, knowing that I ignored my mom all this time just so I could get better at spanking and tying up the girl next door, “Sorry, mom, I’ve been focusing on my school work and filling out college applications.”

I turn and head toward the stairs, making it only a few steps up before my mom’s words halt my movement, “Speaking of college, why didn’t you tell me that Ella got into Yale and was leaving? Eliane just told me a couple of days ago when I asked about Ella, since I haven’t seen her coming or going.”

It feels like my blood just turned to ice as chills wrack my whole body, “What are you saying? Did Ella already leave?”

“Well, yes. Apparently, she left about a week and a half ago. I guess she wanted to find herself a job and save up some money before her summer classes started up.” She looks at me with concern, “You mean to tell me that you didn’t know that she left?”

I close my eyes and bow my head as I shake it, “No, she never told me about college, and she never told me goodbye.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. That wasn’t very nice of her to leave you behind without telling you anything. Here I thought you two were getting closer.”

It wasn’t very nice of her, but I guess I kind of deserved it after what happened the last time we were together. I know she doesn’t owe me an explanation of any sort, at least not until she is fully committed to me, but as her future Dom, it is my job to show her how she is supposed treat me. Whether she was upset with me or not, she should have told me her plans. Did she think I would try and stop her from getting her education? I don’t want a brainless sub as my future wife. Now, Ella is all the way across the US and there is nothing I can do about it.

“It’s fine, mom, she will be back for breaks, and I’m sure she’s had a lot on her mind lately, so I won’t hold it against her.” I glance back at the woman who gave me life and raised me, whose eyes are now laced with concern and sadness for he only son, “I’m going to go shower and maybe try calling her.”

“Okay, baby. I’m so happy that you’re back at home.” She calls out as I take the stairs two at a time.

My eyes sting, but I close my eyes and wait until I’m in control again as I lean against my closed bedroom door. Ella left…she left me, and she didn’t even say goodbye. I still would have said goodbye if our roles were reversed. Then I think back to three weeks ago and I was dropping her off at home after our fight, I never said goodbye to her before taking off for three weeks. I just expected her to be here when I returned.

I drop my bag on the floor and slowly walk to my ensuite. Undressing, I step into the shower stall and turn the water on, letting the burst of cold water shock my system back to where I need it to be. Taking my time, I wash my body and hair while I think of how to proceed from here. It’s only early February and I still have over three months before I finish school. Not everybody can graduate early like Ella. No, my girl is a smart cookie, and she deserves to go to Yale. I’m just upset that she hid it from me and left without me knowing. I grin at the thought of punishing her the moment I see her. The only problem is, I don’t exactly know when I will be able to see her again.

Turning off the water, I reach for my towel and dry off. Wrapping it low around my waist, I walk back into my room and search for my phone. I find it in the inside pocket of my coat and speed dial the only person that I know who would know what I should do.

“Yo, Lil D, miss me already?” Jude muses as he answers.

“Fuck off,” I laugh, “No, I’m in need of counsel.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize that I was a lawyer now, or am I still a therapist?” He chuckles.

“Shut the fuck up, asshole,” I snicker, “Remember when I made that sub come just so you could punish her? Is this something that Beth should be hearing about?” I threaten playfully.

“Eh, she will probably be pissed that she wasn’t included, so let’s keep it between us.” He chuckles.

I know Beth wouldn’t be mad, they have a different kind of relationship than what I want with Ella, but there is no judgement here. If they like getting off watching their partner fuck someone else, then who am I to say anything. I will never allow anybody to touch Ella intimately, she belongs to me.

I go into everything that I learned from my mom and then ask Jude how I should move forward. He agrees with me that even though she still should have told me that she was leaving, there was no obligation there at the time because of the way I had acted. Although, she should have told me of her plans before we had our little fallen out that night, because most likely, she had already known that she was leaving to go off to college.

Jude tells me that if it were him, he’d hop on the next plane and punish her ass into submission, but she isn’t his, and I have to tread lightly due to our past. The only thing that we come up with is for me to call her and try to get back on her good side, act like a good boyfriend over the phone, only throwing in dominant phrases every once in a while, just enough to keep her in that headspace of knowing that the D/s relationship is still on the table for when we are together again.

I have to try and find a way to keep her hooked, so she doesn’t let some other guy slide into my place while I’m a five-and-a-half hour plane ride away. I thank my friend for everything that he has done for me, and all the free counseling sessions that he’s given me over the past few weeks. After I hang up with him, I scroll through my contacts until I see her name, and stand here with my finger hovering over it. Another idea comes to mind, and instead of simply calling her, I facetime her instead. Only I smirk and hold the phone at my waist, so when she answers, the first thing she will see is my towel hanging very low on my hips.

I hit the call button, and listen to it ring. At first, I don’t think she’s going to answer, but after the fifth ring, I see her gorgeous face as she gawks at the phone, not expecting to see what she does. I slowly bring the camera up and over my abs and chest until only my face with the smile that I only reserve for her is on the screen.

“Hello, Ella. You have been a very naughty girl!”
