Page 7 of My Bully's Love

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“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” His eyes peruse my body before they meet my own once more, “Maybe it’s time that I get my turn, though. Huh, Ella, what do you say to that?” His hand loosens a little bit, “I will make sure your baby sister is safe while at my party as long as you promise to obey me in everything.”

“YES! I p-promise!”

“I mean it Ella. You do everything I say, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where. If you go back on your promise, not only will you be severely punished, but I will punish Elise as well, and then let my friends have their fun with her.” He grins evilly, “Toby and Brandon have been dying to tag team her since the first day of school. Lucky for you, I’ve protected her from them, and every other male in this school.”

Oh my God, he has gone completely crazy! The Jace I knew is long gone, and in his place is this sick pervert that loves to power trip. What do I say to his offer? If I don’t agree, then who knows what will happen to Elise at his party, but if I agree…? I know I shouldn’t, I should run far away and never look back, but when he stares deep into my eyes, it doesn’t matter what kind of monster he is, my body and my heart will still want him. My heart remembers and still loves the friend and the boy that he used to be, but my body is screaming for the monster he’s turned into. His words and the way he hurts me sometimes, fills me with a need that only he can fulfill.

Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m nodding, “Okay Jace, it’s a deal.”

His smirk drops from his face. He must have thought I would turn him down.

He scoffs, “Are you that much of a horny slut that you would allow someone to do whatever they want to you?” A look of disgust crosses his face and he drops his hand from my neck.

“No, but I will do whatever it takes to protect my sister. Even if it means selling my soul to the devil himself.” I’m leaning against the door with my hand against my throat.

“Maybe I should take you to my room and teach you how not to talk to me,” He steps back into my space and with one hand beside my head, I feel his other hand snake between my thighs, “Or just teach you right hear.”

“Jace, your mom may see!” I squeal and try to shove his hand away.

“Shut it, Ella! Mom isn’t home, we are all alone. Don’t ever try shoving my hand away when I touch you.” He glares down at me as he starts pulling away again, “You’re already breaking your promise. The party should be real fun…”

I grab his wrist, “No, I’m sorry! I just thought your mom was home.” I then put my hands to my sides, allowing him to feel me up once more.

His hand doesn’t go back to where it was before, though. Instead, he brings it up and softly runs circles around my nipple through my shirt. I feel it stiffen, and it takes all I have not to moan. He brings his face closer to mine, staring into my eyes the whole time.

“Don’t tell anyone about our little arrangement. It’s our little secret, Ella.” He waits until I nod my head in understanding, and just when I think he’s going to kiss me, he bites down on my lower lip at the same time he pinches my nipple between his fingers. I bite my tongue, so I don’t give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream, “Oh, I think I’ve found myself a little pain slut.” I whimper, “We are going to have lots of fun together, Ella. I want you in the Art room during last period tomorrow.”

“O-Okay Jace.” I’m trying to concentrate on everything he is saying, but my nipple is still caught between his fingers.

He glances down at his hand and then slowly lets go. I feel all the blood flow back into my nipple, and I have to close my eyes and bite my tongue once again because of the pain that comes with the release. Stepping away from me once more, he opens the door, indicating that I need to leave. I step over the threshold, but his voice stops me and I look over my shoulder at him.

“Remember, Art room...last period. Oh, and don’t forget, this is our little secret.” He closes the door before I can respond back.

Chapter 4

The Contract

Grumbling, I throw the covers over my head to keep the sunlight coming through the window from shining onto my face. I know it’s too early to get up and face the day; my alarm hasn’t even gone off yet. Just when I’m on the cusp of falling back to sleep, though, the annoying sound of my alarm clock starts blaring throughout my room. I groan as I flip the covers off my head and smash my hand down on the annoying beast of a clock.

Glancing at the bright red numbers serves as a reminder of the countdown to when I have to meethim.He commanded that I meet him last period today, and I’m a little scared as to what he will do to me. I know I have a punishment coming for yelling and lying to him yesterday, but maybe he forgot. Ugh, yeah right! I would call in sick, but that would only be delaying the inevitable, and he will take it as me hiding from him, which is a big no no. He would only take it out on my sister. Chills rush down my back remembering his threat that will follow for disobedience.

Slowly, I head into the ensuite to shower and start my day. The spray of the hot water wakes me up immediately, and relaxes most of the tension in my body from the stress called Jace Palmer. I stay in the warm cocoon of the shower stall until the water runs cold, and forcing me to face the rest of the day.

As I dry my body with the towel, I remember when I had done the same thing a few weeks back, only to feel the burn on my backside after Jace’s punishment. I flinch, remembering the pain, but my body also begins to tingle from the little bit of pleasure it gave me at the same time. I’ve yet to have a release, not willing to take the chance of him finding out, but I know I won’t be able to go too much longer before I give in.

It’s beginning to get chillier out, now that Fall has come in full force, so I grab a pair of jeans and cozy sweater. I match my outfit with a pair of brown boots that reach to just below my knee, and then throw my long, chocolate locks up into a ponytail. I love Fall; all the colors and scents that come with the season, they’re all my favorites. I remember when Jace and I would volunteer to rake both yards just so we could have leaf fights and make huge piles of leaves to jump in and hide. Just remembering the boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes; his smile lighting up his face when he was happy, saddens me. He was a good-looking boy back then, but now, he has grown into a very fine specimen of man. He must work out, because seeing him shirtless made me want to run my hands over every protruding muscle that made up his six pack abs. To be totally honest, the deep V that disappeared into the waist of his jeans was for sure, drool worthy for any woman. It’s just too bad that his attitude ruins all the other good qualities that make up Jace Palmer.

The school day went both slowly and much too quickly for my liking. It seemed to have been dragging on, making my insides twist all over knowing that I had a date with the devil incarnate, and yet, the day went by faster than I would have liked. I’m now standing right outside the Art room door, trying to get up the nerve to go inside. The halls are pretty much empty now that the bell has already rang, indicating that classes have started.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute, and my head is racing with thoughts as to what may happen behind this door. Reaching for the door knob, I start to turn it, but then it gets wrenched from my hand as it swings open. Jace grabs my outstretched wrist and pulls me into the room. The click of the lock echoes through the empty room. Expecting to see his two goons in the room as well, I’m surprised that he’s alone, and I don’t know if I should be relieved or even more nervous.

“I’m surprised you didn’t chicken out.” Jace snickers as he walks towards me slowly.

I take a step back with every step that moves him forward, “I told you that I would obey you.” I bump up against a desk, ending my retreat.

He stops once he notices that I’m no longer moving. We are only about two feet from one another, but it’s still too close for comfort. My body can sense him, and it’s reaction is not helping my mental status. The room is silent as we just stand here staring at each other. I’m not sure if he’s waiting for me to say something first, so I open my mouth to talk, but he holds up his hand.

“You will not speak unless I say, or I ask you a question. Do you understand?” His jaw is clenched tight, and I can see a slight five o’clock shadow around his jaw line.
