Page 73 of My Bully's Love

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“How close are you talking about, Jace?”

He scratches the back of his head, “Well, I got into the State University there. I’ll pay a bit more since I’m from out of state, but it’s not too much more, and I’ll be staying in the dorms, at least for the first year.”

Oh wow, so like ‘in the same town’ close? Will I be able to handle that? I mean, it’s not like we will be living together or anything, and I’m sure he will be busy with his schoolwork as well. Work will have to factor into that also, so I think that it’s safe to say that I will be okay with him being close.

“I’ve got two friends that go to State, and they say it’s great. I won’t have an issue if you decide to go there. As much as I want to keep my new life and my old life separate, you are part of both, and I think it would be nice to have you closer than what you are now.”

“Are you sure about this, Ella? You do know that I will not hide our relationship or the dynamics of our relationship from anybody, your friends included. I’m not ashamed of it, and neither should you be.” His intense stare gives me chills, but it’s in a good way. The way he says that he isn’t ashamed gives me a little more confidence than I had before, and I find myself nodding my head.

“Words, Ella. I need to hear you say it.” Jace commands.

“Yes, I’m sure. I want to be close to you, Jace. I want you to show me what it is that makes my body ache for your dominance.” I whisper, and surprisingly, he doesn’t make me repeat myself louder.

He shifts in his seat, though, “Damn it, Ella, you’re going to take care of this hard-on when we get home.”

“Okay, Jace.” I duck my head as I blush, just as the waitress makes her way to our table.

“Here’s a Mushroom and Swiss with fries and a chocolate shake…” I don’t hear the rest of what she says, because the bell over the door rings and when I look over, I can feel the blood drain from my face. Jace must see me pale because he cuts off the waitress.

“What is it, Ella?” He asks, concerned.

I can’t talk, though, so he follows the direction in which I’m staring. The Baker twins are seating themselves across the diner from us. Mason is smirking right at me, while Madison, his sister, is staring daggers at both me and Jace. I feel as though I can’t move, and all of a sudden, I’m back at that night as I’m held down and Mason is squeezing and pulling at my breasts.

“Ella!” Jace’s voice pulls me out of the nightmare, “The waitress is boxing up our meal; we will take it back to my house, baby. Calm down, I won’t let that fucker hurt you, I promise.” He has hold of my hand and squeezes it for reassurance.

I nod, and squeeze it back, “Thank you, Jace. Although, I’m not sure if I will be hungry anymore after this,” I frown, “I’m sorry I ruined our lunch date.”

“Hey,” Jace pulls on my hand and urges me to come around to his side, sitting me on his lap, “Don’t you dare blame yourself, Ella. You didn’t ruin anything, as long as you are still in my company, nothing is ruined. If anything,” he rubs my thigh, “it’s even better, because now I will have you all too myself.” He leans in and kisses my neck.

“Do you promise?” I’m still not convinced that he isn’t mad just a little.

“Are you questioning me?” He turns my head by my chin as he asks me this in his deep voice.

I gaze into his eyes, and know right away that he wasn’t lying, so I shake my head, “No, Jace, I believe you.”

“That’s my good girl.” He says as he fingers the collar around my neck.

There is a gasp beside us, and we both look up at the waitress who is holding our to-go bag with wide eyes. She looks between us and then at my collar, and all I want to do is chuckle. Surprisingly, I’m not embarrassed at all.

“Ready to go, baby?” Jace asks.

Just to add to the waitress’s shock, I reply, “Yes, Sir.”

She drops the bag on the table and rushes back through the kitchen door. I’m sure she’s telling her co-workers all about the kinky couple out in the dining room.

Jace snickers, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you did that on purpose, naughty girl.”

I shrug, “I thought it was rude of her to gasp, so I gave her something to really gasp about.”

“Mm, you just made my dick even harder, baby. I’m thinking a little appetizer on the way back is in order for my girl.” He grabs my hand and pulls me through the diner, keeping himself between me and the view of the Baker twins at all times. It’s the little things like that, that makes my heart melt a little bit more, making me fall a little harder for the bully next door.

Chapter 30

Beg For It


After Ella had told me that she had texted me and that she was notified that it had been seen, there was only one person who was near my phone the night Ella was talking about. That fucking naughty brat. Wouldn’t you know that I had a session with her last night. At first she refused to admit it, no matter how many paddles I gave her. By the time her Daddy Dom came to pick her up, she was still denying the transgression, so I filled in her Dom, and he was all for handing her over to Jude.
