Page 81 of My Bully's Love

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“Come here, baby girl,” my dad pushes his chair out and holds his arms out for me to come to him. I haven’t sat in my father’s lap in years, but it feels so good when I curl up as he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight, “People can be such assholes, Ella. They bully other people to make themselves feel good because they are lacking something themselves.”

When he says the word ‘bully’, I think of Jace, and how he used to treat me. If what my dad says is true, what is it that Jace was lacking that made him want to bully me? It’s something that I will have to ask him when we have our little talk. Now that he’s claimed me, I intend to hold him to his promise of telling me why he did what he did.

“I don’t see what they were lacking, they are all part of the popular crowd at school, whereas I’m a loner.” I respond to his explanation.

“Well, I can see why that Kaylee girl would want to bully you, you are so much more prettier than she is,” He pulls back and grins as he looks down at me, “She can’t hold a candle to my little girl!”

“Oh, dad,” I slap him lightly on the chest and giggle, “stop being so biased!”

“Well, it’s true, and as for the others, they could have been jealous because you wouldn’t give them the time of day.” He shrugs.

I drop my smile, “Bur Mason, he pretended to be my friend. He even apologized for the way he treated me, and he seemed so sincere.”

My father leans in closer, “He was buttering you up; trying to get you to trust him again. I don’t know what his plans were, but I’m guess that when you and Jace started hanging out again, he gave up his act.”

I’m trying to put everything together inside my head, but it feels as though I am missing something. Things just aren’t adding up for me, and I consider myself a pretty smart girl, but I’m stumped. I snuggle in closer to my dad’s chest and close my eyes for a moment, I don’t know when I will get a chance to do this again.

“Thank you, daddy.”

His chest rumbles as he chuckles, “What are you thanking me for, baby girl?”

“For being the best father that a girl could ever ask for.” I smile even though he can’t see it.

His arms squeeze me a bit tighter, “You never have to thank me for loving you, baby. I will always love and protect my children, you kids, and your mother, are my world!”

I sit in his lap for a few minutes longer before he finally gives in and tells me that I can leave. I give him a kiss on the cheek before scrambling off his lap and heading for the door before he changes his mind.

“I’ll be meeting with Jace in about an hour or so, whenever he gets off work. Will you let him in when he gets here?” My father calls out just as I leave the room, so I stick my head back in.

“Will do!”

“Oh, and Ella,” He glances up at me, “We will need to discuss your relationship with Jace tomorrow as well.”

“Huh, what do you mean?” I step back into the doorway.

“Well, I’m sure the Defense will bring it up, since he’s the one you called after the attack. I just want to make sure that we are all on the same page, sweetie.” He goes back to flipping through the papers on his desk.

“Oh, okay…” I’m finally able to get away, but now I need to figure out how to explain my relationship with Jace.

I need to talk to him, so I know what we are going to say. It’s not like I can just blurt out ‘Oh, you know, dad, Jace used to bully me, but we have worked things out and now he is my Dom who likes to spank me.’. Yeah, that will go over well with him! I roll my eyes and head up to my room. My notification light is blinking, so I grab it and open the screen; there is a text from Jace.

JP: Make sure your window is unlocked for me tonight.

I smile as a tingle forms between my legs. My fingers are quick to answer.

ME: Okay =)

See what I mean? I was just saying how Jace and I need to have our little talk, being all serious, and then boom…I get one text from him, ordering me to do something and the submissive comes out right away, and my body betrays me…ugh! What is it with being told what to do, that turns me on so much? Is it just Jace, or would I be this way with someone else? I decide to try and look up information on my own. I want to be better prepared for the next time I see Jace, and I want to know exactly what is expected as a submissive. Once I know more on that topic, I will move on to finding out more about Masochism.

I grab my laptop and open up the search engine as I think to myself, ‘Just because I get turned on by it, doesn’t make me a submissive, does it?’. So many sights pop up when I type in what I’m looking for and so I begin by clicking the top one. The more sights that I click on and read up on, the more my core clenches. I always thought about submissives as being controlled, and that is not one of my favorite words when it comes to a relationship, but being controlled and giving control to another person is different; it’s all about giving and taking, and about balancing the relationship out. The more I read, the more I realize that what Jace was describing to me was correct, not just something he told me just to get me to let him order me around.

I’m so consumed with my research that I almost didn’t hear the doorbell. I look at the time and realize that it’s already nine o’clock. Jumping off my bed, I hurry downstairs and open the door to my green-eyed boy. Jace grins at me as he notices what I’m wearing, and then licks his lips. He steps in closer to me, placing his hands on my hips, and brings his mouth to my ear.

“Lucky for you your dad is waiting on me, otherwise, I’d toss you over my shoulder and carry you upstairs, and fuck you senseless.”

My breath hitches at his words, and my body reacts like the little slut she is for him. I bite my lip and step aside, letting Jace come in. I shut the door and walk him to my father’s closed office door.

“You can go in, like you said, he’s expecting you.” My cheeks are already heated, but they heat more the longer I look at the boy next door. I still can’t bring myself to call him my Dom, even though I know that he is exactly that.
