Page 89 of My Bully's Love

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When he goes silent, I take that as a sign that I can finally talk, “Jace, please tell me what’s going on. You’re not making any sense.”

He holds my phone for me to take, “You had gotten a message this morning, but you must not have known.”

I take my phone, “I heard the notification, it woke me up, but then I saw the time and flew out of bed to get ready. I had forgot all about the notification.” I respond and then open the message. I gasp loudly when I see what it contains; my hand flying to cover my mouth as I glance up at Jace. He reaches up and his finger hits the play icon in the center of the video.

“Look at you, drooling like a hungry whore for my cock,”I watch as he grabs my hair in the video and pulls me toward him,“Is this what you want?”He then rubs his bulge,“Is it? Are you going to be my good little whore and let me use your pretty pink hole again, even though it’s sore from being used earlier?”

My ears begin to ring as I continue to watch the video of me and Jace the night before. Someone videoed us having sex! It goes on until the end and only stops after Jace had taken the pictures with my phone. My gut twists, and I feel like I’m going to be sick. Jumping from his lap, I run to his bathroom and start to dry heave into his toilet. I feel his presence come up behind me, and then he begins to rub my back.

“It’s going to be okay, Ella. This isn’t anything that has to do with the court case and can’t be used in court. He’s only trying to scare you into dropping everything.” He’s trying to soothe me, but he doesn’t get it, I’m not upset about that, I’m smart enough to know that it can’t be used, but it can be used to spread on the internet for all to see.

“Jace, he’s not threatening to use it in court; he’s threatening to put it up on the internet unless I drop the case.” I look up at him with worry.

I can tell by the look on Jace’s face that he hadn’t thought about that, but his expression turns from shock to indifference, “If that’s the case, then we still won’t have to worry. I have a friend that can take care of that if he does. He will take it down, and maybe only a few will see it before it can spread.”

“Are you sure?” I’m a bit doubtful.

“Do you remember that stupid altered video that you saw on my phone?” I nod my head, “Well, it was originally up on the internet, and my friend had it taken down right away.”

“Wait, what?”

“Ella, I will always take care of you! I owe you so much for what I have done, and even if you don’t want me, I will always protect you,” he grins, “except from myself, because I will stalk you until you become mine once again.”

I let out a little giggle, “I don’t plan on going anywhere, Jace. I’ve come to realize that you are what I need, you are what I crave.” I feel the blush creep up my face as I admit this to him.

He grips my jaw, “I’ve got the same addiction to you, Ella. I will not let you go without a fight, and we will get through, not only this, but everything else that tries to get in our way.” His lips crash against mine in a deep passionate kiss, but it’s over all too soon. He presses his forehead against mine, “I would love nothing more than to take you right now, but I think we had better call your dad and see if he has time to meet with us. We need to tell him about the video.”

“I’m scared, Jace. What if he gets mad at me for it?” The last thing I want is my dad’s disappointment.

“Hey,” he tips my head up so he can look at me, “The only one that should be scared here, is me. I’m the one doing naughty things to his little girl.”

His words have the desirous effect, and I smile, “Yeah, you will definitely get his wrath.”

He kisses my forehead, “It’s okay, I would walk through hell for you, Ella, because you are worth every bit of it.”

I sigh, “So, shall we go and see the Devil?”

Jace grins, “Just lead the way, and I will follow.”

Chapter 35

Coming Clean

Waiting out in the lounge at my father’s law firm, I struggle to sit still. I’m so nervous about how my dad is going to react about the video. I know Jace and I are both adults, but come on, what parent wants to hear a guy call their daughter a whore, and other dirty things as he is about to have sex with her? Yep, this isn’t going to be pretty at all.

Jace keeps placing his hand on my thigh to keep it from bouncing up and down as we wait for my dad to finish with his current client. My dad has a full schedule today, but he told me that we could come in and talk while he ate his lunch in his office, so here we sit. I swear, sitting here, waiting, is straining on my nerves, but I’m glad that I have Jace with me. I’m not sure anymore on whether I’m worried about my dad being disappointed in me or blowing up at Jace. I just hope that we can all come out of this on speaking terms with our parents.

“You need to calm down, Ella.” Jace whispers to me.

I stare at him, dumbfounded, “Does this not worry you at all? My dad is about to see you defile his little girl after you’ve degraded her, Jace,” I keep my voice low so that Corrine, my dad’s receptionist, doesn’t hear me, “He’s not going to take that too well!”

He shrugs, “There isn’t much that we can do about it, Ella. It’s not like he can forbid you to see me, because you are an adult.”

I look at the guy who I truly believe that I have fallen in love with, and I cover his hand on my thigh with my own, “I just don’t want him to hate you, Jace. I don’t think I would be able to handle that, and I can’t choose between you and my parents.”

He cups my face and looks me straight in the eye, “Both your parents and I would never make you choose. Your parents love you and only want to see you happy, so as long as they know you are happy, then they won’t make you choose. Granted, they are going to be pissed, well, your dad will be, anyway, but hopefully he won’t say anything about the video to your mom.”

“I’ll make him promise me that he won’t,” I state firmly, “Besides, it will be breaking client confidentiality, so he can’t.”
