Page 91 of My Bully's Love

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I squeeze his hand and smile at him, falling for him just a little bit more. I then turn back to my dad, “I love you, Dad, but this is my private life, and as Jace said, we came to you about it because of the implication of the message. We also wanted to talk to you before we talk to the of the family tonight about our relationship…”

My dad cuts me off, “Ella, your mom and his parents are not going to want to see this video!”

“We are not going to show them or tell them about the video, and as my lawyer, I want you to promise that you won’t tell anyone either. We just want to put our relationship out in the open instead of sneaking around.”

I can tell that my father is still pissed, but he agrees with me about not mentioning the video to anyone. He then turns to Jace, “I had a high regard for you, Jace, and now, I just don’t know what to think. You have disappointed me.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Ethan. I’ve always looked up to you as a father figure, and still do, but I will respect your feelings.” Jace is polite, but I can tell that my father’s words have hurt him.

“Don’t put this all on Jace, Dad! If you’re going to be disrespectful to him then don’t expect me to talk to you!” I stand up, trying to pull Jace up with me, but he pulls me back down so I’m back in my seat.

“Apologize to your dad, Ella. He has every right to feel what he’s feeling after learning about this. He wasn’t disrespecting me, but you are disrespecting him, and I won’t sit here and watch you do that on my behalf.” I just stare at Jace as he orders me to say I’m sorry to my dad. He is using his Dom voice as well, and he knows that I always obey when he uses it, but I can’t this time.

I snatch my hand out of Jace’s and turn to my father, “I’m sorry if you think I’m disrespecting you, but I’m not, I’m just telling you about my own feelings on the matter.” I glance at Jace because I used his own words, and then I turn and hurry out of my dad’s office. Not stopping until I get to Jace’s Jeep, I break down as soon as I get to where it’s parked. Of course, it’s locked, but it doesn’t matter, I just needed to get out there. I knew my father wouldn’t be happy, but I couldn’t listen to him talk down to Jace like that. I won’t choose between them, but I will stick up for whichever one is getting the wrong end of the stick.

After giving myself a few minutes, I wipe the tears from my face as I wait for Jace. I probably shouldn’t have left him with my dad like that, but I felt like I was suffocating in there. My parents don’t know about how I spent the last two years being bullied and not having anyone, feeling lonely on a daily basis, so of course, they are not going to realize how much being with Jace and being able to break free from the shackles of loneliness means to me. I don’t think anybody other than Jace would have been able to see deep enough inside me to know that my needs differ from most. Hell, I didn’t even realize the extent to what I needed, but Jace did, and I know that he is being patient with me as I begin to explore.

I’m so deep in thought that I’m not even aware of my surroundings. I see nothing, I hear nothing, until a horn blares, jerking me from my own thoughts. Looking around, I see an angry Jace stomping toward me and the Jeep. He must have walked in front of the car that honked, because I doubt he is seeing anything else while his eyes are focused on me. He doesn’t say anything to me as he unlocks the doors and holds my door open for me. Once I’m settled into my seat, he grabs the seatbelt and stretches it across my body, buckling me in. He then slams the door and walks around to the driver’s side. Only when he is in the Jeep and he’s started it, do our eyes meet and he talks to me.

“You were a very bad girl in there, Ella.”



I sit here and take in every word that Ethan says to me. It hurts; I’m not going to lie, but I also know that he’s angry and he has to let it out. Not everybody understands the dynamics of the kink lifestyle, and that’s okay, so I let him say what he needs to say, even if it does hurt. Ethan is like a father to me, so the disappointment that I see in his eyes is the toughest to take, but I won’t apologize about loving his daughter. Fuck, I’d probably be doing the same thing if I had a daughter and saw what he did without having any understanding.

When Ella lets loose on her father, I sit back and let her have her say, proud of her for standing up for herself, and yet disappointed because I find her being disrespectful to her father. It’s when she tells Ethan that she won’t talk to him anymore and then tries pulling me from my chair, that I’ve had enough, and can’t let her continue or else she’s going to say something that she’s going to regret.

I pull her back down into her chair and muster up my Dom voice enough for her to recognize it, but not to the extent to where her father would get even more pissed at me. Staring at her, I keep my voice calm but stern, “Apologize to your dad, Ella. He has every right to feel what he’s feeling after learning about this. He wasn’t disrespecting me, but you are disrespecting him, and I won’t sit here and watch you do that on my behalf.”

Ella stuns me when she rips her hand out of mine and turns back to her father. I don’t pay too much attention to what she is saying because I’m seeing red at the moment. To display this kind of childish tantrum is uncalled for, and I wouldn’t have thought that she would react this way. Once she runs from Ethan’s office, I stare at the door for a moment before turning back to Ethan. I’m pretty sure we have matching expressions on our faces.

I clear my throat, “I’m really sorry that you had to find out this way, and even more sorry that you had to see that, but I do love Ella. I have loved her since I was twelve years old, and I will continue to do so as long as she allows me to,” I run my hand down my face and sigh, “Those things I said in the video, I don’t think that of your daughter, but it is what we both like. All I’m trying to do is keep her happy; I’ll do anything in regard to her happiness, but I will also punish her when the need arises.” He goes to say something, but I hold up my hand to stop him, “I know what you’re thinking, Ethan, but no, I would never abuse Ella. Just do us both a favor and do a little research please. Maybe once you know a little more about it, you may be able to deal with it better. I’m not saying that you have to like it, but at least it should put your mind to rest knowing that she is with someone that has her best interests at heart and who will take good care of her.”

Ethan’s jaw is still clenched but he nods at me and hands me Ella’s phone. I nod back at him, and then take my leave to go search for my disobedient little sub. I’m already thinking of the best way to punish her once we get back to my place. It’s high time we take it up a notch, and work on her obedience instead of pissing around because I don’t want to push her too soon. She’s had enough time to come to terms with everything and today she will see what happens when a sub disobeys their Dom, especially in a public setting.

My eyes are laser-focused on the woman standing all by herself beside my Jeep. I don’t pay attention to anything going on around me, and even when a car honks at me for walking in front of it, I don’t even stop. My sight never leaves Ella. As I get closer, I can see that she has been crying by her puffy face and red eyes, but I can’t show concern, even though all I want to do now is take her into my arms and let her know that it’s all going to be okay.

Instead, I say nothing as I open up the door and wait for her to climb in before I make sure she is buckled. I don’t mean to slam the door, but I’m holding on by a very thin piece of thread, and I need to get it all out before I give her the punishment that she deserves. I could see confusion in her eyes; she’s wondering who my anger is towards, but I will not say. I will never say when I’m angry at her, disappointed, yes, but never angry.

Once I get into the driver’s seat and I’ve started the Jeep, I finally turn and give her my full attention, “You were a very bad girl in there, Ella.” I glance at the time and notice that we still have a little over three hours before one of my parents get home, but I don’t know if that will give us enough time. Changing my mind about going back to my place, I turn my Jeep in the opposite direction. I’ll have more options in doling out Ella’s punishment this way as well.

I can see in my peripheral view that Ella is glancing around, trying to figure out where we are going. When I told her that she was a very bad girl, she knew right away not to say anything to me, so I’m not surprised that she hasn’t asked me where we are going. I don’t plan on telling her either; she will see once we are there. Is it a bad thing if I’m getting hard just thinking about punishing my little sub? I’m talking about really punishing her, not just a few spanks with my hand either. I still owe her the forty swats with the paddle, but now she’s added to that punishment, and I’m looking forward to using other techniques as well.

As I pull into the parking lot of the Training Center, I see that both Jude and Riku are here as well. I won’t be needing their assistance, but I wouldn’t mind introducing them to my girl, only once she has thoroughly been punished. Until then, she gets no privileges, and that includes meeting my friends. Ella glances at me while removing her seatbelt, hoping I will give her some insight as to where we are at, but I keep my Dom face on. In fact, I’m in complete Dom mode and I expect her to act like the perfect sub while we are here.

I open her door for her and grab her hand, not saying anything until I stop right outside the front door and turn to her, “We are in D/s mode as of right now, until I say otherwise. I will expect you to act accordingly, because there will be consequences if you do not. Do you understand, Ella?”

“Yes, Jace.”

I shake my head, “Here, you will either call me Master Jace, or Sir. I’d prefer Sir, but it’s your decision. You will not speak unless spoken to or I’ve given you permission to speak freely. Do you understand, Ella?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her eyes are wide, and her cheeks are pink as she responds with a breathless voice. I want to grin because these are the signs of a turned-on woman, but I keep my expression stern.

“This is where you will receive your punishment, because there so many more implements and options here. You are going to have a very sore bottom, among other things…”

I don’t expect an answer from her, so I turn and open the door, pulling her through right behind me. The facility is busy this time of day with Dom and sub classes, so there are quite a few people walking around. A sub that pays for extra training, and that I work with in the evenings, stops me.
