Page 191 of Saints and Sinners

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Iwake up groggy asfuck, and feeling like I partied hard last night. Only when I open my eyes do I notice that I'm outside in the cabana and the sun is setting. I'm confused as fuck.

“What the hell?”I ask myself and look around.

I spot Fynn a few feet away, to my right, on another lounger. He's passed the fuck out, and I take note of the tape over his mouth. My eyes travel down the only arm I can see from this angle, and it's tied to the lounger.

I'm only just realizing that I also have tape over my mouth and can't move my limbs. When I turn to my left, I see Oakley in the same state. Panic begins to rise as my thoughts go to my Lovely Lina. I look around, searching for her, but she's nowhere to be found.

Scrutinizing both my friends to see if they have any kind of injury, relief fills me when I don't see any blood or bruises. So, who the fuck could have done this, and where the fuck is our girl? Only when Lovely's face pops into my head again do I start putting two and two together. She’s been very considerate, wanting to please us at every turn. Now I know why.

If I didn't have tape over my mouth, you would see the slow grin that appears and hear the chuckle that tries bursting out at the realization that Catalina bested us. The little minx drugged me again...drugged us! She was onto us. How? I haven't the slightest clue, but I know our girl is a clever little bitch, and we underestimated her...again.

Fynn is next to wake up. It's been about thirty minutes, give or take, since I woke up, and I've been working on trying to get the tape off my mouth, but it's harder than fuck when something is shoved in my mouth. Fynn glares at me, relaying how pissed he is, and I try to smile to let him know that all is good. The look he gives me is a baffled one, and I throw my head back and chuckle even though it's muffled.

After about another fifteen minutes, I'm able to tuck my gag into the side of my cheek and wet the tape enough to get it unstuck from my lips. I give my tongue a break before continuing. Once I have enough of it away from my mouth, I can finally speak. Well, as much as I'm allowed with the gag still tucked in my cheek.

“Our little minx is in so much trouble...” I say to Fynn, his eyes widening, “Yes, she figured it out somehow.”

He throws his head back, and I can hear his muffled laughter, and so does Oakley, because he begins to groan. I watch as he tries to move, only for his body to tense when he realizes he can't. I want to laugh at his reaction, but I know this really isn't a laughing matter. Not when my Lovely Lina could get hurt doing this task on her own.

“Don't bother, Oak. She tied us up good,” I tell him as clearly as I can speak, “All we can do is wait, and hopefully, she gets back before housekeeping arrives in the morning.”

We all settle in for the long wait, hoping our Lady comes back to us unharmed. As proud as I am of her for besting us like this, it doesn't take away from the fact that I am terrified of something happening to her. Do I think she can handle the task at hand? Hell yeah, she can, but in her own way. If I know my Lovely Lina like I think I do, she will ensure all is well without bloodying her hands, but damn if she isn't hot when she does bloody them.

Catalina is the one that I will spend the rest of my life loving in every way possible. I don't mind sharing her with the's how we are and how we will continue being for as long asshewants. My Lovely Lina...will always hold my heart as well as keep me on my toes.


Imust have fallenasleep, because a noise off to my right startles me awake. Only when a figure walks over and enters the cabana do I see who it is, but I already know it'sher. Unlike Jett, my mouth is still taped, so all I can do is watch her move closer.

I look over at my two friends. They are both sleeping. I'm not sure how long we've been tied to these damn chairs, but I know that I'm going to need a fucking massage after I'm freed. Eying my Little Saint curiously, I'm relieved that she is back in one piece, but now that I know this, I let the anger take hold. What she did was dangerous, and I'm going to punish her for scaring us the way she did.

I yank on my ties, and I glare at her, indicating that it would be in her best interest if she were to untie me right fucking now. To my utter surprise, her lips turn up into a wolfish grin. She lifts a leg and throws it over my waist, so she can straddle me.
