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I can’t fight back the tears, so I cry. I cry hard for this wonderful man. The man who had his heart broken by too many people.

“Gemma targeted me because she knew I was a millionaire at the time, but I don’t blame her either. I should have been more careful, and I should have gotten the DNA test sooner. It doesn’t matter, though, I loved Harper like she was my own.”

I stand on my tippy-toes and I kiss him hard. Jasper pulls away from me, wiping the tears from under my eyes.

“Don’t cry for me, Poppy. Don’t waste your tears on me. I’m okay. I dealt with her death through counseling.”

“I’m not crying because of that.”

He stares at me, baffled. “Then why are you crying?”

“Because who would hurt a wonderful man like you?”

He looks stunned for a few beats, as if he didn’t expect me to say that.

Sadness grows in his chocolate irises. “I’m not wonderful.”

“You are,” I argue.

I kiss him again, and this time he doesn’t pull back. He slides his hand down to my waist, and I hug him tightly.

I cry for the broken boy inside this man.

I cry because people are cruel.

I cry because he deserves someone to love and care for him.

Maybe he can see how much I love him with every fiber in my bones.


Time has passed since the day we spent at Coney Island.

I spend my days in Jasper’s home office all day, working on my new business, waiting for Jasper to get home so we fuck like rabbits. Then shower together, talk about our day, then fuck all night.

We’re at Trent’s penthouse on the deck for a cookout. Trent has a beer in his hand as he flips a slab of ribs on the grill while he has his daughter in his other arm, teaching her how to grill. She babbles and smiles, then places her mouth on his chin and sucks hard. I giggle like a schoolgirl, remembering when Bailey used to do that to me.

“You’re hungry, Zyra?” Trent asks.

She continues to suck on his chin.

He calls his sister Tina outside and hands Zyra to her.

“She’s hungry. Feed her,” he tells her.

She nods and smiles, baby talking to Zyra.

Jasper swings a club, getting the golf ball into a hole. He looks breathtaking in his cashmere sweater and denim jeans. I want to jump his bones right here and now. He is so beautiful, he turns heads, but he’s all mine. I try not to stare. I try not to get a lady boner, but I can’t help it.

Lake hands me a margarita and I smile and take sips of it. She sits next to me, rubbing her swollen belly.

“Take a sip for me, since I can’t have a drink,” she teases.

Slowly, I drain the beverage, letting out a small burp, causing Lake to break out in a fit of laughter.

Her eyebrows pinch together, and her smile stretches across her face. She has this glow to her that pregnant women get. “Was it good?”

I nod. “You know how to make a great margarita.”
