Page 3 of Tantalize

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“He asked what I was doing here.” When Ralph trained her on the computers, she’d seen his name. It was a good thing the encounter happened tonight; they were so busy, Gabriel couldn’t make a scene.

There was so much emotion on his face and in his voice. They really hadn’t talked, not at Kleinman’s or at Sweet & Savory when she told him to walk away. Would he have made a scene here? She thought he might, even if it was against the rules, but Master Max led him away before he could. She’d changed since he sprang kink on her in college.

She longed for something she could never have with Gabriel. A life. She didn’t doubt for a minute that Gabriel was still as anti-relationship as he was in college. No, that wasn’t quite true. He was anti-commitment when they graduated four years ago.

“You really haven’t given him the time of day since you came back. Even at the bookstore opening, you avoided him like the plague. And I believe you only talked to him for a minute that day at Sweet & Savory.”

“I know. And I have yet to explain why.” Dani rubbed her tummy and looked at her friend. It was time. “I told you about the love affair I had when I was in college.”

“Yes. I know you were a little heartbroken when he left you, but you didn’t want to talk about it, and I respected your wishes. But...” Allyson’s eyes lit up. “You said at Kleinman’s your old boyfriend was there; I assumed he was one of the construction guys. It was Gabriel.”

The astonishment in Allyson’s voice almost caused Dani to smile. “The very one. I won’t go into details right now, but let’s just say we parted on some very bad terms, and when I graduated, he was one of the reasons I took the job in San Francisco.”

Allyson whistled. “We have to have a girl’s night.”

“Agreed.” She owed it to her friend to tell her everything. “I do have some good news. I signed the lease on my new apartment today.”

“That’s wonderful. I know you’ve been wanting into that new complex.”

“I’ll be honest; I got lucky.”

“Fantastic. Just let me know, and Zeke and I will gather up some muscle to get you all moved in.”

Dani grinned. “I’ll take the help to pack things up, but I’m still going to need some things.”

“So Sunday, we get to go shopping?”

Dani laughed. “Yes, unless you can spare some time tomorrow?” She knew Allyson kept the weekends open for Zeke.

“I’ll talk with Zeke. I’m sure he can spare me for one Saturday. But it will probably have to be the afternoon. We’ll be here late tonight.”

“Not a problem.” Dani fought to keep the envy out of her voice. She was glad her friend had found a man to count on and one who did not bow down to her snobby family.

“Excuse me,” a male voice said.

Dani looked up to see Austin, one of the club Doms, standing to her right. His short blond hair was styled in spikes, and his aquamarine eyes flashed as he smiled.

“Dani, would you like to do some bondage with me tonight?”

“Yes, Sir, I would.”

Allyson started coughing, and Dani looked at her.

“If you could give me a minute, please, Sir.”

“Of course. I’ll be waiting nearby.” Austin moved away, and Dani turned to Allyson.

“What’s going on?” Dani asked.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to play with Gabriel here?”

“It’s fine. Trust me when I say Gabriel doesn’t want to play with me.” Dani believed that even though she was the one who rejected kink all those years ago. But she was a different woman now, and it was obvious from what Gabriel said that he felt she didn’t belong in the club. She’d changed, but apparently, he hadn’t.

“Are you sure about that?” Allyson stared at her.

“Yes.” Dani stood up and smoothed her hands down her blue corset and black boy shorts. “I’ll see you later.” She walked over to Austin and placed her hand in his. She’d played with him before, and he knew bondage. They were very good match.

A tremor of apprehension slipped through her body. What would Gabriel think when he saw her play? Would he want to be the one tying her up?
