Page 41 of Tantalize

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“Drink up,” he said, handing her the bottle.

Dani accepted the bottle from him and took a long healthy drink. “Thank you, Sir. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

“I like you in my arms.” While Dani had muscle on her, she still felt very delicate to him. “How are you feeling? Still like a wet noodle?”

“I’m doing better, Sir.”

“Drop the sir for right now. What else did you have in mind for tonight?”

She scrunched up her nose, and he wanted to kiss the wrinkles away. She was so cute when she was thinking.

“I don’t know, except that I want your hands on my body.”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure what kind of scene we can have.” Gabriel sat quietly for a few minutes. “If that’s all you want for tonight, and I know it’s a little early for this, but what do you say about taking this private.”


“Yes. My place or yours. For me, the club isn’t the place for intimate touching, not unless we’re doing a full-blown scene.” He waited, but Dani stayed silent. “If you’d rather stay here, I understand. We can cuddle on the couch.”

Dani shook her head. “It’s not that. I’m trying to understand.” She bit her lower lip. “I didn’t see you as the type to hesitate to play in public.”

“You said you wanted my hands on your body, and I don’t feel right doing that for the first time in the club where people can see us. I want to relearn what you like and don’t like, but I’d rather do that in private. Besides, here in the club, we can’t have sex.”

“And who says were going to have sex?”

A smile curved his lips at the outrage in her voice, but it also had a twinge of laughter.

“Let me correct that: if we have sex. There is no pressure. We will just let our bodies do the talking for us. Is that acceptable?”

“It is. Shall we go to your place? I can follow you in my car.” Gabriel frowned as Dani held up her hand. “Before you start to argue, that would be the easiest way—that way I can drive myself home without us having to come back for my car.”

“Always practical.”

She was right. He dropped a kiss on her nose.

“Let’s sit here for a few more minutes and then we’ll go.”

“All right.” She wiggled and settled more comfortably against him. Gabriel willed his dick to behave. In a short time, Dani would be at his place and in his bed. The night couldn’t end better.

* * * *

“This is a nice neighborhood,” Dani said as she exited her car. She thought he lived in an apartment, but he drove into one of the newly developed areas of Pleasant Valley. “Did you design these homes?”

“Yes.” He put his arm around her waist, and her heart did a pitter-patter in her chest. “Zeke did the construction, and I reserved one of the homes.”

She wasn’t surprised. She liked the way the homes were set apart from each other. “Outside of designing them, how involved in the construction were you?” Even though it was dark, he had outdoor lighting that showed the beautiful landscaping of the homes. “I did the landscaping, or at least, I should say the company did.” She recognized those plants. Golden Euonymus bushes. They had been specifically asked for when she did these houses.

Gabriel chuckled. “You did. Zeke likes hiring local companies. As for my involvement, it was mainly drawing up the plans and making adjustments. One thing we did for this development was different. We agreed to as much customization as possible without having to go back to the permit office.”

“Does that happen a lot?” It was one of the reasons she went to an apartment rather than a home. She was going to need something customized for her and maybe her business.

“Going back to the permit office? Sometimes. As for the customization, some builders don’t like to do that; it can be a nightmare. But Zeke has found that when he offers the customization, the houses sell faster, and people are happier.”

“That makes sense.” He guided her up the two steps to the front porch and opened the front door.

“Welcome to my home.” Gabriel gestured for her to enter.

Dani stepped inside, and the hall light came on. “Automatic lights?” The lights gleamed off the dark hardwood floor. She loved hardwood.
