Page 14 of Unmasked

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Her cheeks turned pink.“Yep.”

“What will you be wearing?”He was curious.

“You’ll see.”The pink in her cheeks deepened.

That was interesting.“You do realize other people will see you?”Her eyes grew wide.“I see you didn’t consider that.”

“No, I didn’t.”She frowned.

“The NDAs are there for a reason.You’ll see everything at the club including full nudity.I’m sure Max told you.”

“He did, I just didn’t think…” She broke off as their dinner was delivered.He waited until the waiter walked away, then he reached across the table and placed his hand on top of hers.

“If you don’t feel comfortable tonight, let me know, and we’ll leave.”

She nodded.“You said you haven’t mentored before.Why not?”She dug into her food, and he did likewise.

“Max has never asked me.Usually, there are a couple of unattached Doms in the club who’ll take on the duties, but they’ve been dropping like flies lately.”

“You mean they’ve been hooking up with their subs.”

“Yes, though this is not a dating service.”He waved his fork in the air.“Some Doms will play with different subs, depending on their kink preferences.This is why the questionnaire is so important.”

“It’s very thorough.”

“It’s meant to be.Finding the right Dom can be tricky.That’s the reason Max has the mentor program for all new people.It allows you to explore while being totally safe.Many of the subs stay with the mentor for months after the classes are done.”


“Actually, a lot of them lately have fallen for their Doms.Max and Sierra were like that.”

“I’m sure theirs was an unusual case.”

“Let’s see, Crystal and Jordan.Damon and Tessa, although Tessa was already a member.Colby and Lara, Zeke and Allyson, Gabriel and Dani, but Dani was already a member.Then there was Anthony and Kaley, but Kaley had already gone through the classes with another member.Rose and Oliver were both already members, as were Regina and Dane.He was new, but Max and Dane knew each other in the community, so his classes were waived.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize.”

“I’m happy for all of them.It’s not easy to find someone who gets you.”

“No, it’s not.”She put her fork down.

Logan glanced at his plate, surprised to see he’d eaten over half of his food as they chatted.

“Have you ever been married, Logan?”


“Yes.I’m divorced.”

It took him a moment to digest that piece of information.“What happened?”Ellie stayed silent.“You don’t have to tell me.”What had her ex done to her?Was that why she was worried he’d take control of her business, her life?

“We never should have gotten married.”Her voice was quiet.“It was a mistake from day one.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.Was this a recent divorce?”She was skittish and that could be the reason.

“No.It’s been over eight years.I wanted you to know.”

“Eight years.”That surprised him.“You would have been eighteen?”
