Page 16 of Unmasked

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“Just about any type of party people want to throw.”

“That must keep you on your toes.”

“It does at times.I had a few people come in and want me to throw parties for their animals too.”

He threw his head back and laughed.“Did you do it?”

“Yes.It was fun, and animals are sometimes easier than kids.”

Logan grinned, then looked at his watch.“We better get going.”He waved at their waiter.“Check please.”

“Of course, sir.Would you like any of the food boxed up?”

Logan looked at Ellie, and she shook her head.He’d finished his plate, but there was a little bit left on hers.“We’re good.”

“Very well.”The waiter whisked the plates away and was back quickly with the check.Logan paid the bill and escorted Ellie out of the restaurant.

“How long have you been a member of Wicked Sanctuary?”she asked as he drove out of town.

“A while now.I joined about a year after Max opened the club.”He glanced over at her, then back at the road.“Just a reminder: Tonight is for you to get the feel for the club.To look around and watch some scenes.I’ll answer any questions you have.”

“What scenes can I expect tonight?”She twisted her hands together in her lap.

“It depends.Usually some flogging scenes, bondage, it all depends on who’s in the club.”He reached over and placed his hand over hers.“Nervous?”

“A bit.”

“I promise I won’t leave you alone.”Logan turned down the driveway to Wicked Sanctuary.At the gate, he punched in the code and then drove in.As he suspected, there were a lot of cars in the lot.He parked, helped Ellie out, and grabbed their bags.

Keeping his hand on her elbow, he escorted her inside the reception area.“Evening, Ralph.”

“Logan and…”

“Ellie,” Logan answered.

“Ah yes.If you’ll both sign in.”Logan did and then he gestured to Ellie.She signed in, then Ralph held out a white wristband.When Ellie didn’t move to take it, Logan did, then tugged her away from the desk.

“Didn’t Max go over the sign-in procedures with you?”

“He did.”Her cheeks and neck were flushed.“What is that for?”She gestured to the wristband.

“It’s for you.”He fastened it around her wrist.“It should have been explained when Max explained protocols.”

“I don’t remember anything about this.”She turned her wrist one way and then the other.

“I’ll explain after we change, but please don’t remove it.”

“Yes, boss.”She gave him a small salute and disappeared into the women’s room.

Logan laughed.Smarty pants.He made his way into the men’s room.Luckily for him, he didn’t have a lot of changing to do, but he suspected Ellie did.

* * * *

Ellie stared at herself in the full-length mirror.Passable.She had limited clothing for club attire, and she wasn’t about to go nude.She found an old sports bra and a pair of shorts, since she didn’t own boy shorts, at least not yet.She hoped they were okay.She was happy she actually remembered what Max told her about the lockers, so she was able to secure her purse and belongings.Now to walk out.

Sucking in a deep breath, she made her way out of the ladies’ room.Logan was leaning against the wall, waiting.Her breath whooshed out of her.He was now bare chested, and… Damn, the man must work out.His chest was sculpted, and those wide shoulders were rippled with muscle.

Wow, just wow.Her gaze took in his black pants—they looked like cotton—and the loafers on his feet.
