Page 26 of Unmasked

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Somehow, he thought she’d stick with him.He was safe.One brow rose as he gazed off into the distance, and a smile began slowly.Oh, the things she didn’t know about him yet.If she wanted to continue with him in the club, they’d have some bigger conversations, but until then, he was content just being with her.

It was funny, in a way.He hadn’t even kissed her, and she’d wormed her way beneath his skin.He’d kept his relationships pretty light due to his job.He didn’t think it was fair to commit to one woman when his job was volatile.So many things could happen.

Even though Ellie had been surprised at his job, she hadn’t mentioned it again, nor had she shied away from him.That was nice, and he hoped it meant they were past that.She stirred in his arms, and her eyes opened.

“Oh dear.I’m sorry.”

“For what?”He turned his head and brushed his lips over her forehead.

Her eyes closed, then opened.“I think I was a little too relaxed.”

“Everyone reacts differently after a scene, some are high with energy, others need to cuddle, and like you, some just need to be held to let their bodies relax.”

“You don’t mind?”

“No.I like holding you in my arms.”

“I like being here.”Her eyes grew wide when she realized what she said.

Logan let the comment pass.He didn’t want to scare her off.“How are you feeling?”

“Good.Relaxed, like I’ve had a good massage.”

“How did you feel about your first scene?”

Her nose scrunched up, and he was hard pressed not to kiss it.

“It was good, I think.Different.”

“Did being bound bother you?”

“Not really.When it was just my arms, I was okay.But when you did my legs, I felt vulnerable and a little nervous.”

He’d expected that.“You called out your safe word, which was exactly what you should do.”

“Thank you.I was hesitant to do so.”

Logan frowned.“Never be hesitant to call yellow or red if you need to or even if you’re not sure.”

“I appreciate you stopping.”

“Any Dom worth anything would stop.You said yellow, so I was aware you weren’t objecting to what I was doing but needed me to slow down.I should have talked to you more before we started.”

“Don’t blame yourself.”Her voice was fierce.“I was excited to scene.”

“You didn’t know what to expect, and it’s my responsibility to prepare you.I won’t let it happen again.”

“Logan.”Her palm touched his cheek.“You did fine.I don’t want you to take on the responsibility of my newness to the lifestyle.”

“So sweet.”He turned his head and kissed her palm.“I have to work this weekend, or I’d suggest coming back tomorrow night.But I would like to take you to dinner again.Are you available Wednesday night?”

“I am, and I’d like that.”

“Good.It’s almost eleven, and I know you have to work tomorrow.”

“Eleven?How do you know that?”

“There’s a clock behind the bar.”
