Page 28 of Unmasked

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The front door to Ellie’s shop was thrown open so hard, it ricocheted off the wall.Ellie jumped up.

Annette gasped, and all color drained from her face.

“You bitch,” the man yelled.

Oh shit.Was this the ex?Ellie placed herself in front of Annette.“Sir, you need to leave.”Ellie kept her tone firm and, at the same time, walked backward, pushing Annette toward her office.

“No way.”He stood inside, legs wide apart, arms folded over his chest.He was a big man.Ellie swallowed.If he rushed them, he could catch them.

“I’m with a client right now.If you want to hire my party planning services, you need to make an appointment.”Ellie kept walking backward a step at a time, her gaze never leaving the man.Good thing she knew how close she was to her office because she’d left her phone on her desk.

The intruder’s voice boomed through the small space.“I don’t need an appointment.Annette, get your ass over here.”

“Not going to happen,” Annette said, her voice unsteady.

The man’s face flushed red, and he curled his hands into fists.Oh this was so not good.Ellie risked glancing over her shoulder.They were close enough, so she turned, pushed Annette into her office.Rushing in behind her, Ellie slammed the door and locked it.She heard a yell of outrage as footsteps sounded close to the door.Her heart pounded.

Annette ran to the far corner, looking like a deer caught in headlights.Ellie jumped when the man pounded the door.

“Open this fucking door.”He continued his assault, the door reverberating with each strike.

Ellie took a deep breath, picked up her landline, and dialed 911.

“9-1-1, what is your emergency?”

“Ellie Tanner, seventeen thirty-two Jackson street.Double Rainbow Party Planning.I have an intruder in my shop, and he’s belligerent.”

“Police on the way.Is he armed?”

“I didn’t see a weapon.”

“Are you in a safe place?”

“For the moment.”She was so glad she had reinforced her office door and walls.One could never be too safe when working alone.Plus, she never kept money in the store, which reduced the risk most of the time.

“Open up, you bitches.It’s time to pay the price for your deceit, Annette.”

“Where are you?”the operator asked.

“In my office.The door is reinforced.I’m here with a client.”

“I’ve relayed the information to the officers, they should be there within a minute or two.”

More pounding on the door and now he was kicking it.Ellie glanced at the bat she kept in her office for emergencies, hoping she’d never have to use it.She would never be a victim again, and she certainly wouldn’t let her client be one.Ellie glanced at Annette.

Tears were running down her face.Ellie sighed.“It will be okay, Annette.”

“He’s my ex.I left him because he hit me.I thought having the divorce party would wash him away.I have a restraining order against him,” Annette whispered.“This shouldn’t be happening.”

“Let the officers know my client, Annette Carpenter, has a restraining order against the man.He’s her ex-husband.”

“Letting them know.They are pulling up now.Hang tight.”

Ellie waited.

“Pleasant Valley police.Sir, step away from the door.”The officer’s composed but firm voice calmed Ellie’s nerves.The voice also sounded familiar.

“They’re here.”Ellie hung the phone up.
