Page 3 of Unmasked

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“How do you know?”she asked.

“I saw you walking around the club with Sierra.”

Of course.He was one of the club members.All of the men tonight were members of Wicked Sanctuary.Ellie shifted in her seat.Would she see him in the club if she joined?Ellie had an appointment with Max in two weeks.

She was surprised when they made it to her apartment so quickly and easily.Well, it was after midnight and traffic was light.Logan parked the vehicle at the front, near the entrance.“Wait and I’ll help you out.”

She opened her mouth to tell him there was no need, but the look in his eyes made her swallow her words.Ellie nodded.Was this what Sierra meant when she said the Doms used silent communication?

While he walked around the vehicle, she unbuckled her seatbelt and took a deep breath.The door opened, and she turned.Hands framed her waist and lifted her out.Her knees were slightly weak when her feet touched the ground.Why was his touch doing this to her?

“Thank you.”She moved out of his hold, not liking how her body reacted.As good-looking as Logan was, she didn’t have time for a man in her life.She also wasn’t sure at all about the lifestyle he lived.

“I’ll walk you in.”He shut the door and locked the vehicle.

“You…” Her words trailed off when he looked at her.That stare.“Fine.”She huffed and walked down the sidewalk to the lobby door.She punched in the code, and the door clicked.“There.I’m in.”

Reaching around her, he pushed the door open and gestured for her to enter.Tiredness crept into her bones, and she didn’t have the energy left to argue with him.Ellie marched to the elevator and pressed the button.When it arrived, he stepped into the small enclosure with her.

Leather and… She couldn’t quite identify his scent.Ellie kept her gaze on the elevator door.Logan, for some reason, made her feel small and feminine.That was so not her.She wasn’t a fragile woman.

Finally, the door opened on the tenth floor, and Ellie quickly made her way to her apartment.“Thank you.Have a good rest of your evening.”She put the key in the lock.

“I need to look around.”

She’d heard from the other women how protective their men were, but this was hitting her buttons.“There’s no need.”

“There is every need.”He nudged her away and opened her door.

“Enough.”Ellie stepped in front of him and lifted her chin.“I allowed you to accompany me this far; you are not going to enter my home.End of discussion.If you persist, I will call the police.We can end this encounter on friendly terms or as adversaries.Your choice.”

He stared at her, and she stared right back.“I’m on the tenth floor of a secured building,” she felt compelled to add.

“Doesn’t mean someone can’t get in.”His brown eyes blazed with…anger?No.Something else.“You are a stubborn woman.”

“You better believe it.”She tilted her head back to meet his gaze.“Thank you for the escort, Logan.I appreciate the gesture.Good night.”She gestured to the hallway.

He didn’t move.For a moment, his eyes flared with fire, then it was gone.“Good night, Ellie.I’ll see you another time.Lock up after me.”He reached up and ran his finger over her cheek, then he turned and sauntered back to the elevator.

Ellie shut the door and threw the deadbolt as fire ran over her skin from his touch.No, no, no.She was so not going down this road.She didn’t need a man in her life.

A giggle left her lips.She and Sierra had talked about Ellie joining Wicked Sanctuary.Wasn’t that what joining the club was about?She shook her head.No, that was about releasing tensions, not about finding a man.She’d talked with both Sierra and Crystal.The club would give her a chance to explore a side of herself she’d always been curious about.That’s all it was.With a sigh, she pulled away from the door and headed for her bedroom.

One thing she did know: She’d stay clear of Logan in the club.The man was too intense.Too serious.She wanted to have some fun, not be ordered around.

Another shiver raced through her as she thought about Logan’s commanding air and penetrating gaze.She didn’t want intense.


Chapter Two

Two weeks later, Ellie parked her car in the lot and sat there.Wicked Sanctuary.Even though she’d been here before to chat with Sierra and Max about their wedding, this was different.Tonight, she planned to become a member.Well, at least she hoped to.And sitting out here in her car wasn’t getting her into the club.

She climbed out of her vehicle and walked up to the door with WS carved into it and knocked.The door swung open.

“Right on time, come on in,” Max said.

“Thank you.”Ellie scooted past him.Max was dressed casually in a pair of soft looking pants, a black shirt, and loafers.“Am I dressed okay?”She’d come directly from work and was still in a skirt and heels.
