Page 33 of Unmasked

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“Three years.”Ellie shook her head.“I should have left him before the first year was out, but I stayed.I’m not sure why.”

“Because we feel like failures, that it’s our fault it isn’t working out, and it’s up to us to fix it,” Crystal said.

Ellie’s mouth dropped open.“How?”

“I’ve been there,” Crystal answered.

“In some way, shape, or form, we’ve all been there,” Tessa said.

“Mine was a verbally abusive ex-boyfriend and father,” Sierra said.

“Mine was a religious family who thought they knew what was best for me,” Crystal commented.

“Mine was a father and brother who thought they could control my life.”Tessa shook her head.“Last year, my father threatened to expose Wicked Sanctuary.Thankfully, the town turned out to support Damon and the club.”

“I remember that.I saw it on TV.”That was how she became aware of Wicked Sanctuary, but she’d never really thought about becoming a member until she met Sierra.

“The thing is, a lot of women have trauma in their past, but we grow from it.I don’t see you as a weak woman, Ellie,” Sierra said.

Crystal laughed.“If she was weak, she would have run after seeing the Doms at your bachelorette party, Sierra.”

Ellie laughed.“They were a bit intimidating.”

“Crystal and I never thought they’d blame you for our decision, Ellie.We were the ones who picked the venue,” Tessa said.

“You defended me.And all is good.The wedding and reception came off without a hitch, so I call it a win.”

“And Logan drove you home after the bachelorette party,” Sierra said.

“He did.”Ellie thought back to that night.Was that when the attraction started?Probably.Logan was a sexy man.

“Don’t let his job get to you, Ellie,” Tessa said.

“I’ve known Logan for almost two years now, and he’s a good guy,” Sierra said.

“He is,” Crystal agreed.

Ellie nodded.“I appreciate everything you’ve said.”

“Are you coming to the club tonight?”Tessa asked.

“No.Logan is working, and I’m not out of my training yet.”

“I can ask Max to make an exception,” Sierra said.

“No, thank you.I’m good to wait.Besides, you ladies have given me a lot to think about.”They had.

“I’m glad we could help.Now let’s talk about our next party at the club,” Sierra said.

“Are we talking a Halloween party or something else?”Tessa asked.

“Of course, Halloween.It will be two years since I met Max on that fateful night,” Sierra said.

“How did you meet him?”Ellie asked.She couldn’t see Max at a Halloween party.

Sierra laughed.“My ex-boyfriend took me to a horror camp, and I hate horror.So, I walked away from the campground and found myself caught in a storm and in front of the club.”

“How?There’s so much security.”
