Page 37 of Unmasked

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“It was, but…” She bit her lower lip.“A few days after I turned eighteen, my brother was killed.”

“Fuck.”Instinct told him they were about to get to the root of her feelings.Logan slid over and pulled her against him.“I’m so sorry, Ellie.”

“I was too.He was my rock.After his death, my world didn’t seem right.”

“And then you got married?”He could almost see it in his head.Ellie lost without her brother.Her parents were too occupied with their grief to see what it was doing to her.


“I’m glad you found the strength to get out of the relationship.That couldn’t have been easy.”

“Life isn’t easy.”She took a deep breath.

“No, it isn’t.”He thought about the things he saw in his job.

“It took me a few years to realize that I was a better person than Gary tried to convince me of.I learned to be my own person, and I will never give that up again.”

“You are a very beautiful person.”He brushed his lips across her forehead.“If I ever do something that scares you, tell me.”

“I will.So far, we’ve been good together.”

“Yes.”Then he remembered how they met.“You weren’t intimidated by all of us the night of Sierra’s bachelorette party.”He recalled how she stood up for herself.

“I’m a strong woman, but yes, you guys were intimidating.I mean seriously; I turn and see a wall of tall, muscular men, standing shoulder to shoulder with their arms crossed over their chests.”A tremor went through her body.“All that testosterone.”

Logan laughed.“We are men, after all.”

“I wanted you to know about my past before Thursday.”

“I’m grateful and honored that you told me, but I do have to ask: What prompted you?”He was curious why she felt she needed to confess to him.Admittedly, he wanted them to go beyond Thursday night, but he hadn’t approached her about it.

“Because I wanted you to know.And…um, I’m thinking maybe we could continue to be partners in the club after Thursday night.”

Did that mean she didn’t want to see him outside the club?If that was the case, why did she invite him over for dinner tonight?Now wasn’t the time to analyze it.One step at a time.

“I’d like that.”He wasn’t going to turn her down.Once they played together a few times, he’d win her over to seeing him outside the club.

Ellie let out a breath.“Great.We should eat or the casserole will dry out.”She slipped out of his embrace and stood.“I’m really glad you’re here, Logan.”

“So am I.”

* * * *

They ate dinner and talked about their favorite books, TV shows, and movies.“I can’t believe you still have a DVD player and DVDs,” he said.

“I do stream, but some of the older movies I like aren’t always available.”They sat on the sofa again, this time with coffee.

“Makes sense.”He finished off his coffee.It was getting late, and while she didn’t have to work tomorrow, he did.“I should go.”He set his mug down and stood.

Ellie stood and looked at her watch.“Oh goodness, I didn’t realize it was so late.You have to work tomorrow, right?”

“It’s fine.”He took her hand in his.“I’ve had a wonderful evening.”

“Me too.”She looked up at him.

Logan took a breath.“I’m going to kiss you; is that okay?”

“Yes, please.”
