Page 44 of Unmasked

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“You are sexy.You are safe with me.And you’re more than worthy of my attention.No man should ever make you feel like you’re not any of those three or anything less than the beautiful, caring woman you are.”He shook his head.“Ellie, you are a woman to be cherished, loved, and…” He lowered his head, his words for her ears only.“Fucked any and every way she wants.”

Heat flowed, and her pussy clenched.“Yes, Sir.”The words slipped from her lips without conscious thought.

“Yes, what, sweetheart?”

“Fuck me, Sir.”Ellie froze the second the words left her lips.She never talked like that.

Logan grinned.“I want to.”His warm breath against her skin made her nerves come alive with anticipation of what he would do next.“It’s too early, but we’ll get there.I promise you.”

“All right, Sir.”She was trusting Logan with so much of her body right now, but it felt right, and she wasn’t going to let fear hold her back.Logan was a police officer, and he could be killed in the line of duty, but that was a long shot.

Ellie knew the statistics.She’d researched them after her brother’s death.She wanted to be with Logan, and something told her that her brother would approve.It was time for her to live her life without fear, and being with Logan would be the first step.With a sigh, she relaxed against him, enjoying his warmth and his arms around her.Tomorrow, she would worry about everything else.

* * * *

Logan sat on the sofa with Ellie in his arms, shock tinged with dismay about what she’d said.What the hell was wrong with the men in her life?He knew about her ex-husband, but others?Men put women down when they couldn’t handle the self-confidence of a strong woman.He didn’t understand that.Probably never would.

Maybe because he grew up secure in his ability to be himself and take care of others.He was never made to feel out of place like she was.Her family, except for her brother, didn’t seem to have supported her.Well, he would change that.

He wanted to wrap Ellie up in his arms and never let her go.She’d shocked him when she said she wanted him to fuck her.Logan’s lips twitched.Hearing the wordfuckcome from her lips made him want to grin from ear to ear.Not that what she said was funny.It’s just that Ellie seemed all prim and proper and using words like that—even in a sexual situation—threw him.

Logan was excited to see where their relationship would go.Ellie was sexy and responsive to him, and he wanted to explore every part of her, to find out all her inner workings, and to make love to her over and over again.He wanted to show her how worthy she was and how sexy, too, and he would get that chance now.Any job was dangerous, and it wasn’t like Pleasant Valley was a hotbed of crime.So yeah, maybe it was time to change his thinking about relationships and break his longstanding rule about not getting involved with a woman because of his job.

Chapter Eight

Friday afternoon, Ellie stifled a yawn.It had been after one in the morning when Logan dropped her off at her apartment.She’d taken a quick shower, fallen into bed, and slept through her alarm.That had never happened before.

Maybe because she was so happy and satisfied last night, her brain finally turned off and allowed her to get some quality sleep.Luckily, today was an easy day.She’d been going through catalogs and calling around to arrange things for the Halloween party at the club.

Sierra had called her this morning to tell her it was a go.Ellie was a bit amazed she had persuaded Max to agree, but it did make her happy.This would be fun.The door to her shop opened, and she was surprised to see Tessa walking in.

“Hi, Tessa.”Ellie stood up.

“Hi, Ellie, I hope you don’t mind that I just dropped in.”

“No.Please, come sit down.”Ellie pulled out one of the chairs for Tessa, and then sat back down.“What can I do for you?”

“Sierra said she called you about the Halloween party.”

“She did.I was just looking at stuff.”

“I was wondering if I could help you with it?”

Ellie blinked.“This is unexpected.”

“I know.”Tessa twisted her hands together.“You know Sierra and Crystal are my best friends.”

Ellie nodded.It was obvious when Crystal and Tessa convinced her to hold the bachelorette party in a strip club.

“Well.I’ve been wanting to do something special for the two of them.”

“And you think the Halloween party is the right time?”

Tessa grinned, and Ellie froze.“I’m almost afraid to ask what you’re planning.”

Tessa laughed.“Nothing serious.What I was hoping was we could have some extra sexy props and a couple of dance poles.Plus music.”

Ellie thought for a moment.“Props might not be too hard.For the dance poles, I’d have to measure and see if a portable one will work or if we need a ceiling mount.As for music, it would be easy enough to create a playlist but who can put it on the PA system?”
