Page 53 of Unmasked

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“I don’t understand, Sir.”

“You’re not ready for what I want to do to you in the club.”

“Then let’s go someplace private, Sir.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

Ellie lifted her hand, put it on the back of Logan’s neck, and tugged.When he was close enough, she kissed him.She didn’t censor herself but let him know through that kiss she was ready to have him in her bed.

He looked somewhat stunned when she broke the kiss.She took a deep breath when she saw the heat in his eyes.

“Let’s get the heck out of here.”He tugged her off the stool and out of the club.“Five minutes.Get your stuff and meet me here.”

“Yes, Sir.”Logan swatted her on the butt as she walked into the ladies’ room.Thank goodness she could pull her street clothes on over her club wear.

Chapter Ten

In record time, she walked out of the ladies’ room.Logan was waiting for her, and he took her bag and captured her hand with his.They said good night to Ralph and made their way to Logan’s SUV.He helped her in before throwing their bags in back.

Once he was behind the wheel, he looked at her.“You don’t have to work tomorrow?”

“I’m good.Everything is covered.”

He nodded, took her hand again, and began driving.

Ellie loved holding hands with Logan.It kept her grounded and didn’t allow her to worry too much about what she was doing.She usually wasn’t so bold, but the past few weeks had taught her she could be who she was around Logan, and he wouldn’t judge her for it.

I’m free.The words echoed in Ellie’s brain.She was free.Free to do what she wanted and be herself.A weight she hadn’t known she’d been carrying was lifted, and her body relaxed.

When he turned left as they hit town, she glanced out the window, noticing the flashes of the street lights on the pavement.She turned to Logan.

“Where are we going?”

“My place.”

Anticipation burned in her belly.“Okay.”She couldn’t wait to see where he lived.

He pulled into the driveway of a small ranch-style home.The outdoor lights gleamed against the pale brown paint.The garage door opened, and he pulled in, shut off the engine, and pressed the button on the fob to close the garage door.

She watched him get out of the car and walk around the front of his vehicle.Her heart picked up speed.His home.If he was anything like her, and she suspected he was, his home was his private retreat.She was happy he decided to share it with her.Logan opened her door and helped her out before grabbing their bags.Keeping her hand in his, he led her to the door.

He opened the door and flipped on the light.“Welcome to my home.”

Ellie followed him through the utility room to the door into the main house.Logan opened the second door and gestured for her to proceed.Ellie took a deep breath and slipped past him into a small hallway.

Logan flipped on more lights.“Kitchen and family room to the left, bedrooms to the right.I’ll give you the grand tour later.”He nudged her to the right, and Ellie took the hint.

The bedroom to her right was dark, and Logan guided her to the room at the end of the hallway.

“Master bedroom,” he said.

Soft light filled the room from the lamp beside the bed.“This room is huge.”Her gaze darted around the room.A king-sized bed filled one area of the room, a TV mounted on the wall across from it.

A large dresser graced another wall, along with a recliner in front of the window.On the other wall was a long bench.Logan deposited their bags on the bench and slipped off his shoes.Ellie watched as he moved over to the bed and threw the green and brown comforter back to reveal tan sheets.

She swallowed as she slipped off her shoes, making sure to set them next to Logan’s.She turned, and he was staring at her with such heat her body instantly caught fire.

“I’m on birth control, and the recent tests I was required to take for admission to the club were negative.I hadn’t been with anyone for quite a while prior to the tests and no one after the tests.”
