Page 57 of Unmasked

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Ellie swallowed.“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

She ended the call and grabbed her purse.Her heart was pounding so hard, she was sure it would burst.By the time Max and Sierra pulled into the parking lot, she’d locked up and was outside.Max helped Ellie into the passenger seat and switched places with Sierra.

Sierra patted Ellie’s shoulder from the back seat.“It will be okay, Ellie.”

Ellie forced herself to breathe as Max drove.Nausea and anxiety rolled through her during the ten minute drive to the hospital.Logan had to be okay.He had to be.She tangled her fingers together in her lap to stop the shaking.

“What exactly did his sergeant say?”If she could concentrate on talking, maybe she wouldn’t want to scream.

“Not much.Only that Logan was hurt, and I was on his emergency call list.”Max went around another car.

That wasn’t much.Damn.How bad was it?If anything happened to Logan— She needed more information.Sierra was quiet in the backseat, and Max’s stoic features didn’t reveal anything.What could they say?They didn’t know any more than she did.Dread filled her gut.

Ellie wanted assurances that Logan would be okay, but no one could say that with any certainty right now.The emergency room entrance came into view.

Max pulled up to the doors, and Ellie didn’t wait.She jumped out of the car and ran for the doors.It was a miracle her shaking legs held her up.“Logan Wolfe,” she gasped out at the counter.She could barely say his name as tears welled.

“And you are?”the nurse asked.

“His fiancée,” Sierra said coming up beside her.

Ellie didn’t correct the lie.She needed to see that Logan was all right.Oh, God.What if he was dead?Her knees almost buckled.

The nurse nodded.“Go in and to the right.”

“Thank you.”Sierra took her arm as the doors opened.They turned right and went down the hall to a waiting room filled with several officers.

“Oh God,” Ellie whispered as she staggered.It was her brother’s death all over again.No.She couldn’t think that way.While the men were stoic, they didn’t have the devastated look of having lost a friend.

“Easy.”Sierra led her into the room.

All eyes turned to them, and Ellie froze.She wasn’t sure she could do this.

“Ms.Tanner, I’m Sergeant Jenson.”The older man held out his hand.

“Sergeant?”Ellie could barely talk.“How do you know who I am?”

“Logan has mentioned you.I didn’t have your number.”He glanced at Sierra.

“Sierra Preston.Max is my husband.”

“Mrs.Preston.”The sergeant shook her hand.“We’re waiting for news.”

“How bad?”Ellie asked.

“A minor accident.It’s protocol for paramedics to be called and for him to be checked out.”

For the first time in what felt like hours, Ellie could take a breath.“Thank you.”Sierra started to lead her over to a chair.

“I can’t sit.”Ellie turned.“How minor of an accident?Did they say how long this was going to take?”Minor accidents to could turn into a major issue, even death.

Sergeant Jenson shook his head.“I haven’t received a full report.They’re doing all the normal testing.That’s all I know at the moment.”

Ellie wanted to scream.She knew it wouldn’t help, so she bit back her words and her frustration.Max walked in, nodded to the sergeant, and made a beeline for her and Sierra.

“Ellie, why don’t you sit down,” Max said softly.
