Page 60 of Unmasked

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“I don’t take chances.I’m very careful in my job.”

“But you can’t predict what others will do.”

“No, I can’t.I can only promise you I’m as careful as I can be.I’m not saying accidents don’t happen, but I do everything in my power to make sure they don’t.”

Ellie nodded, but her heart was heavy.She needed a few minutes to herself.“I should go let the others know you’re okay.”

“I’m sure the doctor told them.”

“I want to be sure.”Ellie detangled her hand from his.While part of her didn’t want to leave, she had to for her own mental health.“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Logan nodded.Ellie left the room and went back to the waiting room.When she walked in, Sierra embraced her.“Logan okay?”

“Yes.”Ellie swallowed her tears.She glanced around the room to Logan’s boss.“Minor concussion and bruised tailbone.They’re discharging him.”

“Good.I’ll check in with him later and get all the information I need from him.Tell him to go home and rest.”The sergeant looked at the other man, who nodded, and they both left the room.

“Max.”Ellie turned her attention to him.“Would you drive Logan and me to Logan’s place.I’ll find a way to get my car from my shop later.”

“Of course, I’ll drive you both.As for your car, give me the keys, and I’ll make sure it gets to Logan’s place so you have transportation.”

“Thank you.”Ellie dug her spare key out of her purse.Thank goodness she kept it in her purse just in case she left her keys in her car.

“How long before he’s discharged?”Sierra asked.

“Not sure.The doctor was getting things going, and the nurses have to unhook the IV and stuff.”Ellie shrugged.What more could she say?Her brain was still racing with the what-if scenarios.

“I’ll go check,” Max said and left the room.

“Come sit down.”Sierra put her arm around Ellie’s shoulders and guided her to a large bench.Sierra kept her arm around her shoulders after they sat down.Ellie was grateful for her support because she felt like she was one second away from a meltdown.

* * * *

Logan looked up when Max entered the room.The nurses had already removed the IV and the heart monitor.He’d already put his pants on, not that it would have mattered.Max had seen it all.

“Where’s Ellie?”

“In the waiting room with Sierra.I was just coming to see how long things would take.”

Logan was disappointed not to see Ellie, but he understood she might need some time.He’d been aware of her panic.“I’m just waiting for the discharge information, and then we can spring me from this place.”He wasn’t overly fond of hospitals, plus he wanted to get back to Ellie to show her he really was all right.


A nurse walked in pushing a wheel chair.“Mr.Wolfe, here are your discharge papers.As the doctor told you, any nausea, vomiting, or increased dizziness, return to the ER.If you need something for pain, you can use ibuprofen or acetaminophen.”

“Thank you.”Logan took the papers from her and looked at the wheelchair.

“Protocol,” the nurse said.

Logan sighed, settled himself, and placed his feet on the metal holders.

“I’ll tell the ladies and go get the car.”

By the time the nurse had wheeled him to the doors of the hospital, Sierra and Ellie had joined them.

“Should I take a picture of Logan?”Sierra whispered.“The guys at the club would have a nice laugh.”

“Don’t you dare,” Logan said, glancing up at the women.
