Page 62 of Unmasked

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“Sweetheart, if you help me, food will be the last thing on my mind.”

Ellie’s cheeks turned pink, and he chuckled as he made his way down the hall to his bedroom.Some acetaminophen and hopefully he’d be right as rain.Then after they ate and talked, they could have some fun.

Chapter Twelve

Logan sat back on the sofa.Max had come and gone, not without giving Logan a stern look because Logan had paid for their food.Ellie had fussed around his kitchen, getting him food and something to drink.Non-alcoholic.She’d insisted.

He didn’t argue with her.Now she sat on the sofa beside him, and he put his arm around her shoulders, cuddling her to his side.“How are you doing?”

“I’m fine.It’s you I’m worried about.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about.”He looked down at her head on his shoulder.“Look at me, please.”Ellie tilted her head until their gazes met.“I’m not saying this to make you feel better.I’m doing okay.Yes, my headache has gone away, but my muscles hurt.That happens, but otherwise, nothing is wrong.”

“How can you say that?”She stiffened in his arms, but Logan wasn’t letting go.

“It was an accident.My partner didn’t follow protocol.The suspect was able to push me, and I lost my balance.That was all.”

“You hit your head on the ground?”

“Yes.”He wouldn’t lie to her.“I lost consciousness for a split second.It wasn’t bad.”

“But it could have been worse.”

“Ellie, sweetheart.”He moved his free hand around and gripped her chin.“If I think of all the things that could happen, I wouldn’t be able to function.”How could he make her understand?

“I get that.”

“On the job, I don’t take chances.My partner is new.My boss will sit down with him, go over the situation, and explain what he did wrong.”

“Makes sense.”

“Why do I feel like you’re telling me what you think I want to hear?”He wanted Ellie to feel comfortable with what happened but didn’t know how to make that happen.

“I don’t mean to.I do understand.It was an accident, but a part of me wonders what happens if the next accident involves a knife or a gun?”

“Pleasant Valley doesn’t have a large amount of crime.Yes, we have some.Usually petty things like stolen cars, some breaking and entering, and our fair share of domestic violence.”She shivered in his arms.“But if we think a situation could devolve or if it does devolve, we call for back-up and wait, if possible.My boss and the higher ups believe in keeping their officers safe.I could as easily be hurt driving to work or driving to the club.”

“In here”—she tapped her head—“I know that.In here”—she patted her chest where her heart was—“worry lives.”

“I want to ease that worry, but I don’t know how.”How had his mother survived this?Yes, he’d been in his twenties when his father died, but his father had been a police officer before Logan was born.Maybe he should have a chat with his mother and see if she had any tips.

“I don’t either.But for today, I know you’re okay.You’re alive and with me.I have to hold onto that.”

“Why don’t I show you?”He shifted to stand, a wide grin on his face.

Ellie shook her head.“You need to rest.We have time.”

Logan settled back and nodded, believing they did have time, and only time would help Ellie see.

* * * *

Ellie glanced up at Logan’s relaxed face.He’d fallen asleep a little bit ago.She snuggled closer to him, her hand over his chest.The feel of his heartbeat settled her nerves.What she’d said to Logan earlier was so true.Her mind understood today was just a freak accident, but her heart feared him dying and leaving her forever.

In a short time, Logan had become important to her.She’d cared about her ex, at first, but not like this.Logan was different.She couldn’t put her finger on it.Ellie didn’t want to walk away from him or what she’d found with him, but was she being selfish in wanting to stay in his life when there was a possibility she wouldn’t be able to handle him being hurt?

Maybe they shouldn’t see each other too much out of the club, not that they had.Well, there had been dinners here and there, but Logan worked a lot, and when he was off on weekends, they went to the club.

She sighed and closed her eyes.There were no easy answers here, but one thing Logan was right about: They needed to communicate, and that meant when she was scared.She needed to tell him.Except she’d never been very good about sharing her fears.
