Page 72 of Unmasked

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“Ceiling is fine, but not the floor.It’s specialized.”

Ellie looked at the area, then back to Ralph.“Can we remove the flooring?”The floor was soft and spongy.

Ralph frowned at her as Sierra came up.“We can,” Sierra said.

“Miss Sierra, I can’t be responsible for that.”

Sierra waved her hand at Ralph.“I’ll take responsibility.Come on Ellie, I’ll show the workers what they can do.It’s easy enough to replace it after the party.”

“Thanks for your help, Ralph,” Ellie said, then followed Sierra.

After Sierra explained how to remove a square of floor covering, the guys assured her they would make sure to put it back around the poles so everything looked right.Ellie and Sierra then walked over to the bar where the other subs sat.

“Max is going to be upset that we’ve cut holes in the flooring to make it fit around the poles,” Crystal said.

“Maybe.He has extra sections in storage, so it’s easily replaced.But I have a feeling those poles are going to stay.”She grinned.

Ellie shook her head.“Do you ladies want to start on the garden while the rest of this is set up, then we can decorate in here.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Sierra, said and the group trooped out to the garden carrying the bags of decorations Ellie had stashed in the women’s room yesterday.There was so much stuff, but in order for this to work, they had to have a lot.

Thankfully, the weather had held.An unusual warmth for October and it wasn’t going away.Today would be in the mid 70s.For some, that wasn’t hot, but here in the Pacific Northwest it was a heatwave this time of year.

An hour later, the last vendor had left, and Ellie checked all the equipment they’d brought.She made sure those that needed plugging in were secured with tape so no one would trip over them.They wouldn’t plug them in until just before the doors opened.

Several of the subs came in from the garden, laughing.“Oh, my goodness, Ellie.”Rose could barely talk from laughing so hard.“Those decorations.They guys are going to go nuts.”

“Just wait until we do the inside.Let’s get the equipment uncovered and get to work.”

“Do we get to see the special items?”Regina asked with a gleam in her eyes.

“Later.”The rest of the women returned from the garden.

“Ladies.”Ellie clapped her hands together.“Before I forget, all the costumes are in the women’s room.So you can dress later.”

Excitement ran through the room.

Ellie grinned.“Let’s finish decorating this place.”

* * * *

“You’re bouncing,” Logan said to Ellie as he drove them to the club.

“Hard not to.I can’t wait to see Max’s reaction.”

“You think he hasn’t seen inside the club yet?”Logan couldn’t see Max waiting.

“He hasn’t.Sierra told him if he went into the club, she wouldn’t have sex with him for a month.”

Logan groaned.“You women know where to hit.”

“Yes, we do.Don’t forget it.”

He enjoyed hearing the laughter in Ellie’s voice.She was so much more relaxed around him and the people in the club.While she hadn’t been totally comfortable removing her clothing yet, she’d allowed him to lower her bra to play with her breasts and promised to think about wearing a thong.She’d come a long way in a short time.

“Do we all get to see it at the same time?”he asked.

“Probably.The subs are arriving at six-thirty to help Lara set up, and we said the doors would open at eight for the party.”
